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    1. DryLeavesBoiled

      Resource system finished?

      Hey folks, Just over half a year ago I posted my thoughts about the resource system of Starmade and how it could be improved. After checking up on the development progress there's still no mention of any plans to change the current resource system or improve upon it. I do understand that...
    2. DryLeavesBoiled

      Read by Council Scavenger Computer Slaves

      Very quick suggestion that came to mind. I haven't thought a great deal on this one so it could use some pulling apart. I can attach weapon systems to my Salvage Computer to upgrade it. Any reason why it cannot also work the other way around? Firstly I wouldn't imagine this would work in the...
    3. DryLeavesBoiled

      Recognized by Council Resources Overhaul

      This proposed system is supposed to be clear, easily identifiable, and memorable whilst also being far more trade and newbie friendly. With rarity being more applicable and directly relating to its use in the crafting tree, which would also be overhauled. The secondary principle is to make a...
    4. DryLeavesBoiled

      Armada Catastrophe (My personal experience with fleets)

      So I have recently started playing again since the latest update (fleets). I haven't been playing very long, perhaps a week. I really wanted to see if many many small close ranged and unmanned ships were viable in a fleet. Other topics have touched on the buggy AI and ships crashing into solid...
    5. DryLeavesBoiled

      Universe Diversity

      Increased Universe Diversity! Currently, you can build a large ship with point defences, earn a lot of money mining and scavenging and soon enough run out of things to be worry about. You mine planets in 2.38 seconds! Pirate stations and AI ships become a breeze! Multiplayer with PVP could be...