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    1. Digi

      Hypothetical discussion about a planet idea, can you find an issue ?

      EDIT: Please read: The only reason why I posted this in the StarMade forums is because you guys discussed this topic alot, but I didn't see anything about this idea, I don't care if this gets added in the game or not, I'm only curious about why this won't work in a practical application, not...
    2. Digi

      Relay computer and/or bigger quickbar

      Having, for example, a carrier that docks 20 AI fighters would be really hard to launch them while having only 9 slots in the quickbar, for this and many other uses I suggest the follwoing: Relay computer that acts like any other computer but you can connect other modules or computers to it so...
    3. Digi

      Ship-wide communication

      Apart from faction chat, a ship-wide chat would be useful for big ships with an actual crew. Players within a few blocks range of the outer hull should be able to see the ship-wide chat, this way you could basically eavesdrop by flying very closely to the big ship. Another interesting feature...
    4. Digi

      PlexiDoor Wedge and PlexiDoor Controller

      PlexiDoors could use a wedge model too for awesome door designs, landing gears, exit ramps, etc. EDIT: Also, it would be nice if you could control door groups while piloting the ship... a door controller that you can connect doors to and toggle them when piloting.
    5. Digi

      Fullbright mode in build mode

      So I'm having difficulties seeing anything inside the hull of my ship to add modules and stuff because it's pitch black, a fullbright and colored outline viewing mode (so you can diferenciate bettween power blocks, hulls, etc) of your ship would be very helpful in this situation... Hmm, or the...
    6. Digi

      Ebon Hawk (v7) - detailed interior, turrets, extra weapons.

      Hi, I've been playing this game a few weeks now with a friend and this is our second ship, an interior-focused Ebon Hawk :} Has 3 turrets, 2 small ones with burst fire on the side and a big one on top with more firepower, all 3 have AI modules but the top one is accessible via top exit hatch...
    7. Digi

      Improving hulls - painting, deforming and click-drag placing

      I've got a few suggestions about making the hulls much easier and subject to change without having to hold all colors of hulls in your inventory and making re-painting of a ship really easy. So instead of having each individual color of hull it would be better to have just gray hull and gray...