Improving hulls - painting, deforming and click-drag placing

    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I've got a few suggestions about making the hulls much easier and subject to change without having to hold all colors of hulls in your inventory and making re-painting of a ship really easy.

    So instead of having each individual color of hull it would be better to have just gray hull and gray hardened hull then have a tool (or something else) to paint them in whatever color you want... those colors could be actual items or something or they could just be free/unlimited, that's up to you.

    Also, it would be nice to be able to half-paint a block in 2 colors.

    EDIT: Actually per-pixel painting would be useful with an optional fill side with paint, this would obviously need a more dynamic texturing system but the results would be awesome, imagine the possibilities of detailing small ships ! This also enables people to write stuff on their small ships or on the insides... many many options will be born.

    Another thing I feel that can be improved is the shapes... there are 3 diferent shapes that don't really cover all needed forms... so my suggestion is that you only keep the block one and make deformations of it... like an 3D model editor that you can grab the edges of boxes and drag them around to make a wedge for example.... but the main purpose of this would be to make more shapes with ease which would heavily improve the visual quality of smaller ships and bigger ships too.

    For alignment it would be easier to click and hold then drag the mouse around to rotate it, then remember that rotation for future block places... because it's tedious to keep opening that advanced build menu and scrolling through available shapes.

    I'm looking forward to opinions about this.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Not sure about the viability of deforming blocks, but I really like the idea of painting hulls. Should be a feature alongside the current means of placing coloured hulls, however, as it would be a pain to place all the blocks of a ship and to then go back and recolour them all.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    painting custom colors is a very good idea, and deforming blocks to your liking seems very nice idea indeed but Idk if possible
    Jul 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would love building controls like these! As for block rotate, mouse drag rotation could be cool, but it should probably be bound to a modifier key.