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    1. B

      Apoapsis Fleetworks

      The universe is a very, very large place, filled with the most unsavory of characters. From bandits, to marauders, to rogue governments, to cheap manufacturers, the scourges of the celestial seas have bothered intelligent life since we learned to join the stars. However, Apoapsis seeks to remedy...
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      A Ship classification system that makes sense.

      I've seen countless debates on this forum about what constitutes a cruiser vs a destroyer, and seen countless arguements. From turret to mass ratios, to leading length, to mass, all of them seem flawed. I'm just presenting my naming system here because someone asked me to, and I think it makes a...
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      WIP: HMS Nightmare

      So, I'm back, and starting on a new project! The HMS Nightmare is my (second) biggest project yet, with estimated dimensions at 400m length, 200 width, and 150 height. She's going to be a Fleet carrier, and depending on how I do the hangar decks, she could very possibly hold 128 fighters...
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      SREC, The Solar Remnant's Engineer Core

      Hello potential customer! Welcome to the SREC, making ships that are the very best in elegant and functional design, for the various heros, dogooders, and other various paragons throughout the galaxy. Here in the SREC, we focus on adaptability in our craft, with form and function blended into a...
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      GIPSY DANGER - Mech from Pacific Rim.

      Currently under construction in the Tryndalis Faction wars server, at an undisclosed location, this monolith of engineering is slowly taking shape. Built at a 5/1 scale of the actual mech in the movie, this Gypsy Danger will be more than 400 blocks high when complete. Because there is almost no...
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      Royal Equestrian Shipyard

      EDIT: IMPORTANT - I've been getting some fan made ships coming in in support of this thread, asking if they can be a part of this fleet. And I've decided that yes, anybody that wants to submit a ship here can certainly do so. However, there are rules RULES FOR FAN-SUBMISSIONS -The ships must...
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      My first real building accomplishment

      May I humbly present my first flagship, the HMS Celestia. The third ship I've ever built in this game, It's a Titan class ultraheavy battleship, sporting full functionality. While it may look pretty on the inside, it's mainly a combat vessel, meant to go toe to toe with the top of the line...