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    1. C

      Excalaber my curent flag ship

      I\'m sorry to say, but my tertiary thruster is twice as big as that ship. :P Looks cool though, mind posting the stats?
    2. C

      1 million/s extra power cap?

      Whats happening is that once you reach 1 mil, any blocks added after supply only 25 energy/sec, no matter the configuration. This means that 1 mil is basically the cap, espescially if youre trying to reach regen in the millions-billions. It makes making large reactors very difficult.
    3. C

      1 million/s extra power cap?

      I ran into this problem, too, except i was getting 100 per block. I think its a bug (unless its a really bad nerf). People like calbiri have already reached max regen without bruteforcing it, so this is something new. My max reactor is generating 3 mil because of this :( Ill just sit tight...
    4. C

      Max-Reactor (Continuation of Project-Hangman)

      What design is that? It looks like nothing I\'ve ever seen before. And space efficent.