Search results

    1. J

      1:1 Klingon Fleet

      All of these are great but the Vorcha is a beast...
    2. J

      Building Elysium

      Do a google search for minecraft circle calculator. It will tell you everything.
    3. J

      EvE Hurricane Replica (Scale 1:1)

      That is a work of art!
    4. J

      Looking for a skilled shipbuilder...

      Don\'t be pathetic. It is a perfectly reasonable request. Also regardless of any imagined \'standards\' or what you picture an IMAGINARY ship class as being, the whole point of a game like this is to build what you want. Likewise, some people want to play, not build, just as some of us would...
    5. J

      USS: Enterprise (JJ Abrams Version)

      Star Trek, especially the new one, totally uses turrets. You would just have to make them ball turrets submerged in the hull to get any power from them.
    6. J

      Stargate: Wraith Cruiser

      Looks amazing. One possibility, besides the released numbers just being rubish, is that since those ships are grown they are all unique and therefore not a standard size.
    7. J

      Battlestar Galactica

      Interesting, reminds me more of the original. Only things that really bug me are how straight the flight pods are and how small the engines are. Also is the name actually backwards or is that the picture somehow?
    8. J

      Enterprise 1701-E - 1:1 (Approx)

      The saucer looks beautiful; how did you calculate the proper curve? For the turbolift, I wish the default dock size was smaller so we could just drive a small ship down a tube and \'dock\' it at various floors...Didn\'t realize the elevator things don\'t work in ships? Well keep on it. As...
    9. J

      1/2 Scale Borg Sphere Updated with Interceptor

      They do that out of consideration for those with poor bandwidth so people don\'t open pages with a dozen huge images. Plus it is literally zero effort to click on a link -_-
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      Vii's Homeworld Ships

      Hmm anyone going to make the battleships or mothership? The mothership would be interesting but I would also like to see the Archangel from Cataclysm. Beautiful Excelsior by the way.
    11. J

      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      Oh wow that looks sick...Are those side cannons turrets? I would either make them turrets that can at least rotate slightly within their cove, or fixed missile ports. It\'s hard to count blocks from those images, are those bays(i\'m assuming that is what they are) big enough to fit fighters?
    12. J

      Atlantis, the lost city of Ancients.

      This looks good. The outline seems accurate enough, which would be the hardest part in my opinion.
    13. J

      Battlestar Galactica

      Great progress, though one of the images looks squished a bit. The pylons and ribbing look spot on though. So when you build a large ship like this with lots of turrets, and spawn it onto a different server, does it keep the turrets? It would be a real pain to have to buy them all seperatly...
    14. J

      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      Well regardless, that looks like a practical size for flying around. If you find any top views of any of those ships, let me know? Maybe I\'ll cobble together some of the smaller ships as escorts.
    15. J


      Hmm that again depends on the ship if there is something weird in terms of hull shape. With the way docking works though, I would say the center is generally best. Remember you also need to be able to access it so if you have a bridge or something where you want to be able to walk around then...
    16. J


      With a really large ship, especially a fan ship where you have desired dimensions, it is usually best to lay out a horizontal 2D frame, then mirror/expand that to a vertical frame, then fill it in. Really depends on your style of building and what kind of ship it is(may not work well for...
    17. J

      Warhammer 40k: Battle Barge: Eternal Crusader. 1/10th

      Looks like an excellent start! I was always confused that there aren\'t more ortho images of 40k ships out there. Makes it very hard to recreate them. I think this is a great size, though the ship in that image doesnt seem 10k going by the windows...
    18. J

      Craver Shipyards - Current project: Carrier. Daily updates!

      I agree but my issue with the white is that in certain light it is just a blinding wall. The textures need to be fixed.
    19. J

      Sleepless nights project

      This game, where you are supposed to build a ship to defend against pirates, is a waste of time because pirates actualy attacked you and you didn\'t bother to put shields on your station? Maybe Neopets is a better speed, but remember that you can easily turn off the AI which will keep pirates...
    20. J

      Equinox (NCC-72381) Nova Class Research Vessel

      EXCELLENT suggestions. The time ship would be a challenge for several reasons but could be awesome and is a rare ship to see. The Krenim weapons ship would adapt well I would think.