Looking for a skilled shipbuilder...

    Aug 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    Not sure if this is the right forum... But...

    Hello! I'm Epsilon and I'm actually fairly new to the world of StarMade. But in my time here with the game I do know one thing.... I suck at building large scale ships. I understand practice makes perfect, but I prefer things in an immediate fashion. Which brings me to this post...

    I'm looking for a skilled crafter to make me a ship. Not just any ship... a Super Carrier.

    The specifics of this Carrier are:

    -Needs to have x10 Docking Bays which are big enough to hold my Manticore-MK1 Assault Carrier
    (Ref:http://star-made.org/node/8152 And if you could critique and rate that'd be awesome!)

    -Up to 10 Turrets, Missile or AMC is fine.

    -And if you can get it in the same Color Scheme as the Manticore, you get bonus points! (Not that they count. Lol) The Manticore is modeled after the Tau from W40k.

    "But Epsilon, dont be a noob and make it yourself!"

    Yes, quite. I realize this is a "noobish" request, especially because the only thing I have in return for this is the challange of making this ship because I understand how massive it needs to be. I figured I would shoot this request out there for you all to take a look at and either scoff at, or perhaps try and take the challange! Its up to you. But I am well aware of what I am doing. Dont want to do it? No biggie, pass my thread up and move on before flaming me for trying :D

    Thanks for taking the time to read this! I understand I can talk a lot. Reach me here if you deside to take this up! Thanks guys!
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    You call that an assault cruiser, FA! Go and name it properly and i will consider your requast valid. Size wise that \"MIGHT\" be a heavy interceptor, maybe.

    Please dont give pitty requast that you could do on your own, just cause it looks shit doesnt mean it isnt functional.




    Jun 24, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Don\'t be pathetic. It is a perfectly reasonable request. Also regardless of any imagined \'standards\' or what you picture an IMAGINARY ship class as being, the whole point of a game like this is to build what you want. Likewise, some people want to play, not build, just as some of us would rather build than deal with pirates or players. So for that reason or because he really believes it is beyond his ability, you are totally out of line for criticizing him.
    Jun 25, 2013
    Reaction score
    Research someone before you insult them, unless you were directly the one they insulted.

    Good life,

    Aug 10, 2013
    Reaction score
    ...But I shall beat your industry to the punch >:D lol, jk. I\'m currently busy building a stealth ship for a UNSC faction. maybe if your request isn\'t taken when I finish.