
    Jul 10, 2013
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    Over the past while, I have made a plan for a big ship. and now, I am getting to the part where I actually have to build it.

    I don't know where or how to start! could someone give me some tips for starting out? once i have a start it goes well from there I know.

    When I start medium size ships, I usually start with the section that has interiors, and then go forward to the power and guns, and then back and sideways to the thrusters.



    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    With a really large ship, especially a fan ship where you have desired dimensions, it is usually best to lay out a horizontal 2D frame, then mirror/expand that to a vertical frame, then fill it in. Really depends on your style of building and what kind of ship it is(may not work well for organicish ships) but is a good way to get an ingame feel for what you are actually going to be working with.

    If you have specific rooms you want such as a bridge or hanger bay, it is helpful to frame the corners of those early so you don\'t build through them and make them large enough.

    I would suggest figuring rough estimates for how many meters(1block each by minecraft style) you want the ship\'s dimensions to be. There are quite a few tools out there for calculating angles, arcs, and distances in minecraft that translate very well to this game. Build generously large but not beyond the game\'s ability to handle or your\'s.

    Good luck, hope to see pictures soon!
    Jul 10, 2013
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    Thanks! I just have one more question. do you have any suggestions on how to determine where to put the core? I want it accessible, but well armored.

    Pictures of progress should come soon =)


    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Hmm that again depends on the ship if there is something weird in terms of hull shape. With the way docking works though, I would say the center is generally best. Remember you also need to be able to access it so if you have a bridge or something where you want to be able to walk around then jump back in the pilot seat, the bridge might be best even if it is exposed by a large window. Remember you should have enough shields to protect your ship regardless of where it hits. Although I think you can use cockpits the same way. Armor doesn\'t do much right now so wouldn\'t worry about it.