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    1. F

      Password protection

      Ok so the problem is : on server you can´t just leave your ship beacuse i will get stolen like in no time And the solution ? Passwords! When you make a new ship a window will pop up with the option to lock your ship and have a password (so you can give it to a fried etc.) or make it public...
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      i is a good idea but here is the problem i have a very expensive ship in production but some jerk with masive titan is destroying it faster than it can build itself or regenerate shields
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      AI small ships and agility

      1 That will be awesome 2 well maybe something like RCS thrusters from unnamed space simulator that would respond to mouse movement but for downside you won´t be able to make arrays of them. But if something like this would be added a better way of calculating center of mass must be added too...
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      Multiplayer Balance: Credit Problem as of last patch.

      Yup giving shop infinite amount of credits will do the job. And about re-doing catalog system i don´t know man beacuse it can be near imposibble to get all the resources for some weird *** ships in your backpack at one time.
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      an addition for helpful building

      i didn´t know somebody builds their ships in minecraft an then in starmade i just get a lot of paper and (try to) draw some blueprints of it. Anyway i totaly agree with you 1+ (sorry for bad english)
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      Time lords faction

      Yay I´m not the only one time lord here ! So can I join jour faction ?