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    1. T

      Pretty but effective turrets. Discussion of a solution.

      In most PVP builds, turrets are massive objects that often dwarf the ships they are attached to. I've encountered this problem on almost all of the capital ships I have tried to build. To do meaningful damage, and to use a significant amount of available power, weapons systems often are a large...
    2. T

      Bug Pickup Points not working

      Been having an issue with pickup points not working. Placed a pickup point next to a pickup rail next to a basic rail, can't get anything to dock to the pickup point no matter what I try. I fly within 3 blocks with a rail docker, nothing happens. Tried in single player, not working. Tried in...
    3. T

      BOBBY AI not activating on deployable drones.

      I am experimenting with deployable drones on racks, similar to those outlined in the thread and have encountered a serious problem. Upon launching drones, they do nothing against pirates that are already spawned in. They seem...