BOBBY AI not activating on deployable drones.

    Mar 17, 2015
    Reaction score
    I am experimenting with deployable drones on racks, similar to those outlined in the thread and have encountered a serious problem.

    Upon launching drones, they do nothing against pirates that are already spawned in. They seem to function normally if I spawn in pirates using admin commands. I haven't tested them against player enemies yet.

    I have tried setting them to "ship" and "turret" and neither seem to work. When the drones are set to "ship" and unactivated while docked, they switch themselves to "turret" on activation. Does this have anything to do with the problem?

    What should I try next?
    Mar 17, 2015
    Reaction score
    Derp! After a friend helped me test vs a live human player, it appears that drones will only attack and pursue within weapons range. I had Beam-Overdrive as weapons with a max range of 1km. As soon as the enemy closed to 1km, the drone activated as normal. Moral of the story: Put long range weapons on your drones!