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    1. Darkdreadnought

      Cobalt Naval Shipyards (CNS)

      God I love these ships. It puts the few ships I have actually done to shame. How do you get them to look so good?
    2. Darkdreadnought

      Volholding United Shipyard

      Update Time! Over this past weekend, I have been working diligently on the Nightengale. She is nearing completion, and I am very happy about how she turned out from that mass of black hull it was before. Here's some pics showing its progress! Basically, I've added a second set of wings and...
    3. Darkdreadnought

      Volholding United Shipyard

      Got another update for the Nightengale! Her exterior has been fully wedged out! Lighting is about 60% done, still need to work on the top lighting. The interior is partially done, as can be seen by the shuttle hanger (with ships that for some reason don't render light properly ._.). She...
    4. Darkdreadnought

      Volholding United Shipyard

      Got some more work done on the Nightengale, thank god for summer break. Shell is done and has some lighting on it. It also has full power to move! Next stage of the project is to finish lighting, then build the interior of the ship with its systems. Wedging will go last in case changes need to...
    5. Darkdreadnought

      Volholding United Shipyard

      New Ship! SS_NightenGale (WIP #1) Hey everyone! Back from a short vacation and I got a new WIP ship to show. This is the SS NightenGale, my first attempt at anything bigger than a cruiser. The bottom picture show just how large this vessel is. The Avalon is only about 1/4 the Nightengales...
    6. Darkdreadnought

      Volholding United Shipyard

      Yeah its not something I've seen before on ships, but I definitely like it. Makes getting into the ship MUCH easier. Too bad i'm gonna have to rebuild it, my game crashed and I lost the save. This is the second time I lost a save, the first time I lost the first destroyer I was building.
    7. Darkdreadnought

      Volholding United Shipyard

      Hello and welcome to my thread! I will be posting original ship designs under this thread that I have created. Please do not claim these ships belong to you, a lot of work goes into creating these starships. What is Volholding United? -Volholding United is an imaginary faction that I plan on...
    8. Darkdreadnought

      Volholdings Dragon Frigate

      Ok i see what you mean by smoothening it out now, I thought you meant making the WHOLE ship smooth for some reason. And damn, THATS a frigate. Need to look over how I classify ships, makes my sentinel look tiny. Maybe I'll do a proper frigate for my next ship. Looks like fun.
    9. Darkdreadnought

      Volholdings Dragon Frigate

      Really? A fighter? Sorry if I seem a bit ignorant, it's been a while since I've been on Starmade. And i'm not sure if I want to smoothen it too much, the point was to make it seem a bit sharp and aggressive against other fighters, but i'll definitely consider it.
    10. Darkdreadnought

      Volholdings Dragon Frigate

      Hello there, Darkdreadnought here! After my putting up my first ship, I decided to continue building better and more intricate ships under the name Volholdings United. This is a faction name I plan to use in some writing, but that's beside the point. Anyway, here's the first ship under...
    11. Darkdreadnought

      Sentinel Starship

      After going through my settings, I still have no idea what caused that with the wedges. I had my shadows off, so that may have been it, since after I turned them back on the problem disappeared. My VBO Bulk-Mode size is 8 MB, anything higher and my computer can't handle it.
    12. Darkdreadnought

      Sentinel Starship

      I'm not really sure if it is a bug. I have my graphics turned low so it isn't so demanding of my pc, since I don't own a high-end pc. After I turned my settings up, the the wedges rendered for me properly.
    13. Darkdreadnought

      Sentinel Starship

      Yeah that seem's to be the general consensus, to cut back on the crystals. Good to know for the future. Regarding the AMS turrets, I have a bad tendency to over complicate things, so the turrets ended up much bigger than they needed to be, but they still serve their function. Still, good advice...
    14. Darkdreadnought

      Sentinel Starship

      Hello there! This is my first ship contribution to the Starmade community ever, so while I hope you like the ship, any suggestions to better my ships would be appreciated! And without further ado, here is my original ship, the Sentinel! Regarding Statistics: Mass: 2,277.7 (W/rail 2608.216)...