Volholding United Shipyard

    Jul 9, 2015
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    Hello and welcome to my thread! I will be posting original ship designs under this thread that I have created. Please do not claim these ships belong to you, a lot of work goes into creating these starships.

    What is Volholding United?
    -Volholding United is an imaginary faction that I plan on using in my writing for other projects. I make my ships in Starmade to help better visualize these ships for things such as battles and docking in stations. I will post ships as I make them, and when the first stories involving these ships go up, you'll find a link to my deviantart in my signature and on my profile page.

    Volholding United is a galaxy-wide company that produces all manner of ship, from fighters and corvettes to cruisers and battleships. Right now Volholding United is small, but it will soon carry a vast variety of ships of different function, size and shape.

    For now Volholding United only has 1 mass-produced ship, the SS Avalon class Heavy Missile Fighter
    Avalon_Front-compressed.jpg Avalon_Front 2-compressed.jpg Avalon_Side-compressed.jpg Avalon_Entrance-compressed.jpg SS Avalon Stats
    Mass: 1,080.1
    L: 37 m, H: 16m, W: 33m
    Power: 692,437.3 (86,878 e/sec)
    Thrust: 1,114.2
    Shields: 34, 776 (1, 925 s/sec)
    Structure hp: 300, 470
    Armor hp: 317, 800

    Avalon class missile fighters are tough, able to withstand heavy hits from enemy fighters thanks to their shields. Equipped with rapid fire missiles and lock-on missiles, they can do extreme damage to slower ships. Avalon class ships can also serve as heavy dropships after some heavy refits for planet side invasion. It's force-field staircase allow pilots to quickly access the cockpit, and can be shut off inside, as well as close the airlock door.
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    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Shield entry ramp.

    Interesting choice my friend.
    Jul 9, 2015
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    Shield entry ramp.

    Interesting choice my friend.
    Yeah its not something I've seen before on ships, but I definitely like it. Makes getting into the ship MUCH easier. Too bad i'm gonna have to rebuild it, my game crashed and I lost the save. This is the second time I lost a save, the first time I lost the first destroyer I was building.
    Jul 9, 2015
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    New Ship! SS_NightenGale (WIP #1)

    Hey everyone! Back from a short vacation and I got a new WIP ship to show. This is the SS NightenGale, my first attempt at anything bigger than a cruiser.
    starmade-screenshot-0000-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0003-compressed.jpg
    The bottom picture show just how large this vessel is. The Avalon is only about 1/4 the Nightengales size, and it will become larger. Not sure what role it will play yet, but I do have designs drawn out for her. Any suggestions to improve it? (Besides varying color and lights please, I have that planned already)

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
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    Yeah I was going to mention it's rather dark. It looks like the hull has a bunch of rather weird divets or weaves in it. Won't be sure how I like that until it's wedged though...

    I'll be following this.
    Jul 9, 2015
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    Yeah I was going to mention it's rather dark. It looks like the hull has a bunch of rather weird divets or weaves in it. Won't be sure how I like that until it's wedged though...

    I'll be following this.
    Got some more work done on the Nightengale, thank god for summer break. Shell is done and has some lighting on it. It also has full power to move! Next stage of the project is to finish lighting, then build the interior of the ship with its systems. Wedging will go last in case changes need to be made to the hull. Also, can power generation go over 1 mil? My ship has over 1 mil e/sec, but I thought the cap was 1 mil. Can anyone clarify this for me? (Haven't played Starmade until recently, feel like a noob again .-.) SS Nightengale Stage 2-2.jpg SS Nightengale Stage 2-1.jpg SS Nightengale Stage 2-3.jpg SS Nightengale Stage 2-4.jpg
    Jul 9, 2015
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    Got another update for the Nightengale!

    starmade-screenshot-0005-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0006-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0009-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0008-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0007-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0010-compressed.jpg Her exterior has been fully wedged out! Lighting is about 60% done, still need to work on the top lighting. The interior is partially done, as can be seen by the shuttle hanger (with ships that for some reason don't render light properly ._.). She should be done in the next few days. For size reference you can see my other two ships on the side, the Sentinel and Avalon in comparison to the Nightengale. After some interior work and lighting, all that will be needed is for me to arm her for battle!
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    Jul 9, 2015
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    Update Time!

    Over this past weekend, I have been working diligently on the Nightengale. She is nearing completion, and I am very happy about how she turned out from that mass of black hull it was before. Here's some pics showing its progress! starmade-screenshot-0000-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0002-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0011-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0016-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0013-compressed.jpg starmade-screenshot-0018-compressed.jpg
    Basically, I've added a second set of wings and fins in the back for better aesthetics, and armed her with a variety of turrets. She still needs a few more turrets, and her interior needs decoration. Besides that just some minor work on the ship and she'll be done! I'll put her up for download after her completion.

    Now, I have not played PvP before, so this is a fair warning. I DONT KNOW IF SHE WILL BE ANY GOOD IN COMBAT. I dont play on servers and have only recently been active in the community, so I have no clue if her weapons will be effective against other ships. However, I don't mind anyone customizing my ship to their liking. I also have multiple saves of the ships "stages" ranging from an empty shell to near completion. If anyone wants these blueprints, simply send me a message and i'll put them up for download.

    Also, any suggestions to improve my ships? I've never built massive ships and I would like to know if I am doing something wrong.
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