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    1. S

      How to import blueprints from a install to a install?

      When the dev build of power 2.0 came out I downloaded it to check it out and played in the dev build exclusively try to get it to work. Built several hulls waiting for the devs to come to their senses and fix power 2.0, instead it has gone from a pile of extremely lumpy, gross and smelly feces...
    2. S

      Astrotech Repair Beam, Shield Supply and Drain currently can't have slave systems.

      These 3 support tool systems will not properly link to their slaved weapon systems while all other support tool systems will. The slaved computer shows purple outline cube when linked instead of blue, does not show up on the hotbar organization menu at all when linked this way and does not...
    3. S

      SK Industries

      Construction started. Honestly surprised that someone hasn't made this already. IXS Enterprise 63m X 41m X 41m Just the basic shell so far.
    4. S

      Questions regarding the Push Pulse

      I recently made a ship with a small push pulse/cannon system activated by a simple logic clock. Any player operated craft caught in the area of effect becomes very hard if not outright impossible to steer. Has no noticeable effect on A.I. controlled ships. Also found out that it is unhealthy for...