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    1. david2001david


      HELLO starmade players! I hope some of you are familiar with an app called Discord. It is a mix between skype, TS, and some other communication apps. But discord is based around gamers. I have created a public server, where anyone can discuss the game and find people to play with, and roles for...
    2. david2001david

      How to build ships in generall? building techniques.

      Hello! I Usually start small ships with a power reactor skeliton so i see the ship. I then put armor around it, and add systems and weapons last. I have never build anything big, or even medium. (Unless you count a borg cube as a ship :) ) And i want to ask the community, HOW THE HELL DO...
    3. david2001david

      Point of having interior.

      I think it is useless now to have interior. What i think, is that you should have CREW instead of AI. so it will work a bit like like in terraria. so you build a house with certain proportions, and then you buy a crew member, which will controll the turret by going to a AI controll computer. so...
    4. david2001david

      Bigger beams/shots/missiles.

      I think it looks stupid, when you have a GIANT gun on a ship, that shoots a needle thin beam. Cmon now. Maybe it should be fat, depending on the size of the gun. lets say, you are looking at a gun from the front, and its 3x3 square. when is shoots, the beam should be 3x3 but not a square, a fat...