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    1. Zixeba

      How do I get rid of this wierd shading

      Looks like I have the latest Nvidia drivers since it doesn't say theres any new ones.
    2. Zixeba

      How do I get rid of this wierd shading

      Tried changing to the same settings and also tried to go from low to max graphics settings and still get the odd shading on pentas and tetras. Thanks for the replies tho.
    3. Zixeba

      How do I get rid of this wierd shading

      I have turned of shadows. Is there a way to fix it through the settings in the setup window?
    4. Zixeba

      Bug Starmade Launcher being listed as Malware

      If you're using Avast I'm not suprised it detects SM as malware, since it detected Planetside 2 as malware awhile back, probably still does. I use Microsoft Security Essentials and it doesn't bug me with SM.
    5. Zixeba

      Bozena transport vehicle

      Pretty sweet design there.
    6. Zixeba

      What're You working on? [Closed] Not sure how i should make it\'s body, all i know is it\'s going to be big with lots of turrets.