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    1. Dire Badger

      Transport block

      I would like to suggest a transportation block for individual captains. Something you can 'r' click on, and it 'teleports' you to another linked block (no pipes, please) to simulate rapid transit systems for large structures such as space stations or titans. It could be used to send simplify...
    2. Dire Badger

      Is Starmade ready for Steam?

      Based on what I have seen (coming back after a year), I think that Starmade is 'almost' ready for Steam early release, or a fully paid/early release payment model. The crafting system is fully encapsulated and relatively balanced, Planets are really well done, the new rail system is outstanding...
    3. Dire Badger

      faction 'points' and mission system

      I think that having a 'mission creation' and 'faction points' system would do amazing things for both servers and the singleplayer game. something akin to the block editor, where you could go to 'mission office' or maybe even a shop, and recieve missions created by either you or the players...
    4. Dire Badger

      On a lighter note...

      I have been designing some new ships based on star frontiers/traveller miniatures from the 80's. They have a distinctively chunky, busier exterior Also I wished to showcase Kupu's new texture pack. The first design is the Yankee Trader design stats: 3 twin Armadillo Armaments turbolasers...
    5. Dire Badger

      Texture pack help

      I am trying to create a more 'worn looking' texture pack. Is there a way of making a block side choose from a number of different textures (multi-tex) to break up wear patterns, scars, surface features, and so forth, so that wear doesn't get replicated across an entire connected surface...