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    1. T3hBeanzor

      The Systems Alliance Navy (SAN) - Join the Fight for Humanity (RECRUITING)

      The Galaxy is a vast place. Danger lurks around every corner, and its up to humanity to tame this wilderness. Join the elite, the few, the proud. Join the Alliance Navy. Humanity's first and last line of defense, the Alliance Navy has always been there to save the day. A life of mystery...
    2. T3hBeanzor

      Bug No Sound in Star-Made

      Hi, I've been playing Star-Made for a while now. I've NEVER had sound whenever I play it. I've used the Star-Made system checker, and everything checks out. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Anyone else have this same problem? My best guess is that it's something to do with my PC's...
    3. T3hBeanzor

      Detection System Overhaul

      Hi, Have you been playing StarMade lately, and noticed how OP the detection/navigational system is? Why is it that a fighter that's approximately 15 metres in length and 20 metres in width can have the same sensory capabilities as a full-sized dreadnaught? Well, my idea is simple. A complete...