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    1. M

      Power cap

      I heard there was a 1 million energy soft cap but I easily went over it with long lines of power generators so how does it work exactly and is it a good idea to go over?
    2. M

      How to make smaller ships usefull in battle

      So I have been playing around in private sandbox and occasionally on servers and it just seems that small ships cannot do much against big ships while big ships can insta kill small ships thus fighters and bombers are useless. I tried making a small carrier with 10 fighters and use it against a...
    3. M

      View range on servers

      Just wondering, If I am having trouble rendering ships, weapon fire and lagging out from more than 700m on Rebel Alliance while moving is that a client side problem or a server side problem. My laptop is new and has a 2GB nvidia chip, the internet connection is a wired cable in a college dorm...
    4. M

      Using turrets

      Just wondering what should I set my turrets to, the AI gives 2 choices, shooting any hostile , shooting at a target. The problem I have is that shooting any hostile means that the turret doesnt work at neutral players if I want to attack someone for a duel etc, and If I set shooting at a target...
    5. M

      Building AI Launching carriers

      Just wondering, Is it possible for me to make a ship that automatically launches drones while having its own turrets? And how would I go about doing so.
    6. M

      Friction in space

      The problem with StarMade in regards to ship speed is that its too realistic. Currently theres no reason to not make a ship that is a giant box which has the greatest volume for equipment while if you look at Sci Fi most ships have at least rounded edges while fighters and bombs look like...
    7. M

      Should ships be able to fight without shields?

      Do you guys think it should be possible for ships to be able to fight other ships without shields and rely only on armor and firepower? While most franchises such as Star wars, Halo and Star Trek have shields as a major component of starship defenses, there are a few like Babylon 5 and Freespace...
    8. M

      Missile launchers

      Is there a way to make missiles that are usefull? They move so slowly that I cannot shoot a capital ship with them, right now I have a light cruiser with fixed forward missile tubes, 12 blocks each that cannot shoot a copy of itself.... and it has 8 missile launcher turrets that are nigh useless...
    9. M

      Hello !

      Hello, I am a new player fresh from minecraft and FSO looking for a fun game and while this is still in alpha its very enjoyable. The community looks pretty fun although I would like some help with finding guides and documentation on how to build all those great ships I can see in the pictures...
    10. M

      Shield and Weapon recharge rates

      So, I am a pretty new player to starmade and I have been looking through the forums and it seems that the current weapon system really tears down shields quickly unless the shield system can recharge faster than the DPS. My suggestion to making this more complex is to first, give the shield...