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    1. Lord Daro

      Add group selection to for the remove/replace toll

      This just a suggestion for a little more building convience. It could sometimes be handy, if we could select whole block groups (such as blue hull, plex door, rails blocks, ect) for deletion/replacement aswell.
    2. Lord Daro

      Will there be AI-Combat in unloaded sectors?

      Some time ago shine put out a plan for "simulated" AI-Combat. I personally would very much like something like that (at the very least in singleplayer), but it met quite some resistance from the community as people saw substantial potential for abuse. Does any one know, wherever this feature is...
    3. Lord Daro

      More than 100% Chamber point usage (for a prize of course)

      It might add more posibilities to play around with system setups if we could go over 100% with the chambers. Of course this extra capacitiy for a reactor would have to be purchased. I think every Percent over 100 could cost maybe 5% Reactor stability. This might seem a bit high to some but if...
    4. Lord Daro

      Had Logic some recent changes in it's behavior?

      Hello everyone, I did take a brief look into one of the last devbuilds (I think from June 6th) and found that previously working logic (thus far I've only seen problems on various elevators) on older builds from around a year ago does not work quite as it is supposed to anymore. So I thought...
    5. Lord Daro

      Better controll over stabilizer stream paths

      I find these strabilizer streams kinda bothersome aesthetically. On reactors with more comlpicated shapes they can originate from void areas, that are supposed to be walked into. Severel reactor and stabilizer groups spread out around an entity might have streams going through the exterier...
    6. Lord Daro

      Add joint generator to model export

      A quick juggestion: It would be quite handy, if the model exporter had the ability to automatically rigg docked parts for animation.
    7. Lord Daro

      Small idea to add some functionality to conduits

      It kinda bothers me that in power 2.0 I need to place at least this one block between reactor and chmaber to get it working, while the block itself offers no real value. So how about we let the block contribute something and in extension make it even a viable choice to add more of it than bare...
    8. Lord Daro

      Trouble with converting models and transparent textures

      So, I wan't to convert starmade models into .x files. But the transparent blocks , like glas or ice often just have me see through the entire model unto the background. Blender 2.78 for example somtimes works perfectly and sometimes only partially, in some cases even more or less, seamingly at...
    9. Lord Daro

      Add touch activation for gravity blocks

      Working on a elevator just reminded me again of how tedius it can be to work with gravity. So here's a quick suggestion. It would be very convenient, if these blocks could be triggered by a player touching/coliding with it and have the block then run a check of whenever that player is already...
    10. Lord Daro

      Active color change on beacons

      I got some Ideas on my way home and thought I can make a suggeestion right away. As the title says I want to suggest that we get the ability to change a beacon's color on the fly. The gameplay mechanic could work just like our rails. So placing a "normal" light besides an activator/button...
    11. Lord Daro

      Read by Council Defencive effekt suggestion: Deflector fields

      I think having more and different options to choose from might add to the tactical depth of the game. The Deflector effect will protect a structur from weapon fire within certain areas by changing the direction of projectiles (Maybe beams too? I'm not realy sure about that). - The modules...
    12. Lord Daro

      Lord Daro's Universe (technically still under construction)

      I think it's about time for me to make an overview of my stuff. That might help people who are looking for sets and I have another opportunity to get some input. May it be suggestions, advices, criticisms or any other kind of comment. This is the right place for it all. [/SPOILER]...
    13. Lord Daro

      Read by Council revamping weapon slaves

      1.) I think it would be a nice addition for weapon customization to be able to asign more than one each to the slots of weapon slave and the effect slave. Of course we can't have everything thrown together. This would open up the path to one ultimate combo that's the most effective for almost...
    14. Lord Daro

      Building diagonal

      Just a small , but i think somewhat convenient thing. It would be nice to have a tool wich allows to draw diagonal lines. That can probably be implemented as addition to the build helper.
    15. Lord Daro

      Control panel and systems management

      I got here two block suggestions, intended mostly for RP and simple convenience. But they might also offer intresting opportunities to operate the ship. 1. The control panel block: (Not an completly new idea, but i thought i coould share my take on this) The block itself will have a fixed...
    16. Lord Daro

      explosions while walking around ships

      I know it's nothing of high priority, but it's still a nuisance, to get killed while walking down the hall. As far as i know it has been mentioned only a few times in other topics. I thought this matter might deserve it's own thread. So heres my idea: I don't know how difficult it would be to...