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      Herro I am Bluetangkid

      Hello, I am Bluetangkid and I have been playing Starmade since October 2013 and have quickly become knowledgable on this game. I have many ideas for this game and (honestly) think this game in 20-30 times better than Minecraft, Gmod, and Terraria. I own a server for Minecraft as well as...
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      Turret AI Module

      The turret AI module would activate only ships docked on a turret docking unit all at once. This would be esier than running around a huge ship and activating 1 at a time threfore making war preporations easier.
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      I think that gravity is unrelistic, jumping 5 BLOCKS, however I have an idea. If gravity modules were automatically on for players as soon as they get on a ship. The gravity module could use a GUI as well like changing jump height and such. in the config there should be an option for planet...