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    1. MrFrech

      Warhead Damage

      Hey, I want to talk about one of the most unexplored and vaguest topics in Starmade: Warheads. I´ve been reading a bit bout whats already has been discussed on the forums and it hardly gave any answers at all, rather creating more confusion. All that I can say is, that Warheads and the way they...
    2. MrFrech

      Give Pulse-Master some love!

      Hey I know it is nothing new that nobody uses pulse weapons, but I found no post adressing that issue so I thought let´s make it sipmle and quick: Pulse master weapons need a huge damage buff to compensate for their very limited range, to make them viable as some high risk ramming sorta thing...
    3. MrFrech

      AI FOV

      Hey, After doing a bit of single player pirate crushing against smaller ships i wanted to try a new light corvette design (~50m) against some bigger ships to see how it competes (bigger means ~150m). So I spawned it in and tried to use my maneuverability advantage to get outside its cannon...
    4. MrFrech

      Bug Shield indication not working

      Hey, I have a bug that causes the shields indication to always stay on 100% no matter if I am in the ship or shotting at another watch its shield value while having it selected. Even the shield effect always stays blue also when the shields are entirely down.
    5. MrFrech

      Sideway shooting

      Hey, does anyone know how to make weapons shoot sideways i tried to turn the computer and arrays themselves for all kind of weapons now or is sideway shooting not implemented yet/still/again what ever? Thanks for help! Aaron
    6. MrFrech

      Bug A few bugs

      Hey guys, I just wanted to report a couple of bugs i am having throughout all versions of SM since 0.15. First of all missles are behaving quite strangly and are clipping almost always through everything they are shot at, except the target is quite big (everything smaller that a large asteriod...