Bug A few bugs

    Dec 7, 2013
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    Hey guys, I just wanted to report a couple of bugs i am having throughout all versions of SM since 0.15.

    First of all missles are behaving quite strangly and are clipping almost always through everything they are shot at, except the target is quite big (everything smaller that a large asteriod is ignored), however this aplies for all types of missles besides pulse slave which acts a bit better but has issues sometimes too (so it might have something to do with speed/physics reaction time).

    Secondly regular beam arrays are firing in bursts with quite a long reload (like reg. AMCs) in between.
    Is that intended? (I am wondering because I personally think that that makes not very much sense hence it says in the cange logs that the beam will behave like a repair beam also on the showcase video of the new weapon system from EFSF Raiben, his are firing constantly how I would expect them to do, or is this video captured before on dev server when beams were behaving diffrently ?(date says not so)).

    The next bug concernes Beam arrays too, when I connect a single weapons computer to a beam array it will fire constantly but when I add AMCs to the weapons computer it will cause no buff of hit rate or so but will add the damage nerf which makes it senseless to bother putting AMCs in your slave.

    Also I have an issue with planets, when i go around them the unseen side will disappear which is fine but when i come back around it takes long times to reload also causing severe FPS drops.

    Lastly I got a Question about how much the master/slave ratio will effect the stats of the array.
    Is that still in balancing phase or subject to stay?
    Because right now the ratio is some kind of exponetial to the effect, for example an AMC with an
    80%-100% AMC slave causes drastic increasing of firerate while the reach from say 10%-50%
    makes barely a noticable difference.
    That makes it nearly impossible especcially for small arrays to get a desired rate of fire causing poeple to use just 100% slaves while I think the system could be easily much better allowing us to have really custom weapons.

    Well, enough grouching from me,
    great thamks to everybody involved in the project you are doing a fantastic job!

    Greetings Aaron.