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    1. Etc_Guy

      Bug RuntimeException Error Lock

      I wanted to try the recent dev builds of starmade to see the new power system before release but can't because of a RuntimeException error lock. The error message says "ERROR 0:1: ": version '130' is not supported IMPORTANT NOTE: The game has detected that you are using an Intel graphics...
    2. Etc_Guy

      Recognized Flooded by Fleets

      This idea sounds like the first update of the beta version but can escalate faction wars to a galactic domination RTS. Some people on the battle-roles thread were they discussed why everyone goes for the biggest ship possible so they're more valuable than cannon fodder, and a few suggest that...
    3. Etc_Guy

      The Automatic Space Chauffeur

      Tired of holding W to get everywhere? Don't want to wait for your warp drive to charge? Or go afk and arrive at you destination? I have a solution for you, The Automatic Space Chauffeur! Ok, enough with the fake commercial onto the idea! Ever wanted to have an auto-piloting ship like a lot of...