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    1. Devanow

      Großes Lob an dich Robin, dass du uns so ein gutes Spiel präsentierst. Ich bin mittlerweile seit...

      Großes Lob an dich Robin, dass du uns so ein gutes Spiel präsentierst. Ich bin mittlerweile seit über 2 Jahren bei euch und wollte fragen, wann es möglich sein wird, das Spiel im maximierten Fenster zu spielen. Prinzipiell sollte es funktionieren, nur passt sich das Fenster nicht direkt an den...
    2. Devanow

      Planetary Structure

      So the suggestion were, to let the owner of an server select the structure of the planets of his universe... So is it acceptable for you Lecic ? I hoped you have read the entire suggestion include to configurate it out and not only to set all planets as dice.
    3. Devanow

      Planetary Structure

      So like a single block thats too sharp at his edges for you? ... Use wedges to round something like a planet. //EDIT
    4. Devanow

      Planetary Structure

      But then (maybe) it can be also be, to choose a square with x=edges... so to have structures like a 3-dimensional STOP-Sign... Lecic
    5. Devanow

      Planetary Structure

      It would be great, if it will be able in server.cfg, to set the structure of a planet. Also i do not mean the size... planetary_structure: square //Its able to choose: flat, round, dice, square (3-32 So far i can find out, it will be possible to create much bigger planets with a better...
    6. Devanow

      InGame MusicPlayer

      Good comment Tobie. ;) Also maybe its possible to add a intigrated Permission-System not only for every faction, also for the entire Server too. Like in Minecraft (Bukkit-Plugins) PermissionsEX, it can be possible in StarMade without a plugin to activate in config!? And so my opinion is to set...
    7. Devanow

      InGame MusicPlayer

      It is possible, to add a MusicPlayer as a Computer and a Speaker as a Array into the game? My thinking about is, that (for example) you can use them at spawns or in spaceships and play music ingame so everybody in "range=x" of a speaker connected to the MusicPlayer can hear the sounds/music...
    8. Devanow

      AMC doesn't work correctly

      I don't know, what to do, i have the Link to the 4 Screens. At the first one, you see the Ship and the left side with 2 rows of AMC's. At the second to fourth one you can see a imaginary AMC with blast where all Shots are comming from. The Direction of all Weapons, Computer and of course the...