Search results

    1. Snapems

      RegEx Logic - Counter

      So I was looking for cool things to do with regex and display modules. Here's one really cool thing i've found so far. A counter, It takes 2 steps to do it, but still, really awesome: [REPLACEALL]\b([0-9]+)\b[WITH]0$1~01234567890...
    2. Snapems

      Display Module - [PARSE]

      Hi, I would like to suggest adding [PARSE] to the "Advanced Codes" in the display module. For reference please look at the table: Display Module - StarMade Wiki Much like [ADD], [REPLACEALL] it "must be in the very front". Here's what it does: You put "[PARSE]My Favorite Sector: [sector]" in...
    3. Snapems

      Trivial, Number format

      It would be really awesome if the numbers in this game had commas. I'm never sure how much credits, how much power, or how much shields I have. 386756757 is how much? compared to 386,756,757 Much easier to look at that number and say "Almost 400 million" I personally generally type the number...
    4. Snapems

      Thruster output block

      I was thinking of a Thruster Output block, - you would connect engine blocks to it (like factory enhancers & the like); The more engines connected, the larger the fireball coming out of the thruster output block would be. Rather than an overhaul of what currently exists, i think giving a small...
    5. Snapems

      Can't sell from storage.

      We used to be able to sell directly from storage right? Anyways, now it just says invalid amount, and doesn't work. P.S. Something like ctrl-click to sell items would be pretty useful to me.