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    1. Theck

      StarMade Admin site

      Hi again, You maybe remember I've published the StarMade Log Panel project some days ago. Even before this project started I've been working on a bigger one. It's in a early stage, but I've wanted to share it with you to get some feedback before going one step further, let me explain myself...
    2. Theck

      StarMade Log panel

      I've started a new project to learn some software I'll need for my daily work, and I've chosen to use StarMade as an spike project to achieve this objectives. Expect crap code as this is a tech learning project, but I think the results may help other StarMade Servers admins to control them...
    3. Theck

      Spanish community Server is an Spanish community dedicated to StarMade, part of the Aregamer family. We have a server to our users ( Starmade servers' profile ) Features: Max Speed: 150 Sector size: 3000 StarMade auth needed 50K start credits Blueprint allowed...
    4. Theck

      Mobile repair ship

      ¡Hi! One month ago I was thinking about how I do imagine StarMade battles. In my vision there's no possibility to buy an entire ship instantaneously, and then, it's very important to maintain your fleet as long as you can. In my vision you're able to repair your ships with AstroTechnoBeams...
    5. Theck

      Area trigger corner

      I've been using some game development engine editors, and areas it's always something I've used a lot. On those, you'll usually use a basic geometric shape (f.e. a cube) that will detect when something passes through them. In starmade nowadays we have the trigger area block, but it's very hard...
    6. Theck

      Spawn entity (admin command)

      Hi there, I'm looking for the info to go on with some ideas for a server and I'm not sure if it would be possible in the current state of the game. I've seen there's an admin command destroy_entity, but I want to know if there's an "spawn_entity" command to spawn some type of non-ships models...
    7. Theck

      Spanish StarMade Community opens

      ¡Hi there StarMaders! ¿Are there any other Spaniards? If the answer is 'yes", now you have a new place to group together , find people to play with and read the news of the game in Spanish. Also you'll findsome game guides to help you with the game mechanics if the language it's a problem. You...
    8. Theck

      NZS Hospitalet Cruisser

      I've been building some small and medium size ships and now I think I want to try with a big one. My [null] creative mind needs help and I decided to start with a reference and them, try to make it more "personal". This is my concept art reference by Artur Fast: Today I've started with the...
    9. Theck

      AMC Fire modes

      One thing I loved from Star War's x-Wing/Tie Fighter games was the fire modes for the lasers. And I think that I would love in Star Made. In those games, you can switch from three modes: All at the same time: That's how it's working now, every time you shoot, all the cannons fire at one...
    10. Theck

      Build cube duplication

      When using this "technique" I've discovered a bug with the build cube (maybe it'll work with others, have to try). Process: Use a build cube in a station to remove all the station blocks, being the build cube itself the last one. Then go out the build cube and press right button to remove it...
    11. Theck

      ¿makes Build cube salvaging useless?

      Hi there, Last day i've "discovered" that it's possible to put a build cube (or more) in an station or planet and then go inside and use the advanced build mode to remove cubes in thousands (10x10x10 in remove mode). IMO this breaks the salvation cannons idea. I had a "miner" ship with 25...
    12. Theck

      Spawning under a planet

      Hi there, We have our faction home in a planet. There we've put a build block to build the base. If I enter to build mode and then exit the game, when I reconnect I spawn under or inside the planet, not in the place I've entered the build block. Many thanks, Theck
    13. Theck

      Theck's texture pack

      Hi there, first topic (and message) on the forums :P I was reading about modding StarMade and I've seen how to make custom texture for the blocks, something easy and simple enough to start. As I've said, the objetive of this project is to learn how textures work and do some photoshoping just...