Search results

    1. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      Graphics this good are totally possible for a game like this, just not in an engine that isn't meant to render in realtime.
    2. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      The thing is though, they aren't really screenshots. All of the images for this post were rendered out using cycles in blender. :D
    3. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      What if I told you that no mods were used, and none of the images were edited in post. :3
    4. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      Orion class destroyer, designed as a versatile attack and intercept ship. Onboard weapon systems include a 100k DPS main cannon with high penetration as well as a 3mil damage locking missile system with 50% ion effect. Orion is also equipped with an expanded suite of passive systems including...
    5. LegoRobot17

      Olympus NA

      Olympus carries AMCs. stopping beams, 2 lockon missile arrays, ion heatseekers, and a hulk missile. Main weapon systems are centered around block damage output. Passive systems include radar jamming, jump drive, scanners, and 12 docks in an internal hangar. Note: Due to the power consumption...
    6. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      There will be a download up for Olympus in about a week, Prometheus will be up at a later date.
    7. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      I would say that did it because I like it that way; but in all honesty, I just can't be bothered and has a nice effect as is. :3
    8. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      Prometheus class frigate, designed as an all-around utility ship with high block damage output. Weapon systems include a 100k DPS main cannon and 5.46m damage missile array. Stats: Mass: 24,200(232,000 blocks) L:250 H:42 W:95 Power: 3.3m(2.4m e/sec) Thrust: 48,000(2:1) Shields: 1.4m(104k s/sec)...
    9. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      Thanks for mentioning this, I've been curious to see if anyone else has built the ship. I'd love to see someone else's interpretation!
    10. LegoRobot17

      Extended Shadow Draw Distance (ESDD)

      Love this mod! If you don't mind my asking, what values in the shader did you change? I might play around with it a bit.
    11. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      ^Be sure to check out General's channel for more stuff like this!
    12. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      I don't know when I'm going to release Olympus, but I could help you with ship building if you want to meet on a server at some point.
    13. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      Icarus class frigate, designed as a figurehead ship for the Lego fleets. Armaments consist of missile wings and the Divine Blade(lasers). [Note: Not rated for labyrinth escapes.] Stats: Mass: 15,000(150k blocks) L:244 H:43 W:177 Power: 3.2e6(1.6e6 e/sec) Thrust: 30,000(2:1) Shields...
    14. LegoRobot17

      The Icarus by LegoRobot17

      Might be a bit out of date, haven't done updates in a while, but here it is. :)
    15. LegoRobot17

      Lego Shipyards

      Oh the white hull! Olympus class battleship, versatile fleet ship built around block damage output. Olympus carries AMCs. stopping beams, 2 lockon missile arrays, ion heatseekers, and a hulk missile. Main weapon systems are centered around block damage output. Passive systems include radar...
    16. LegoRobot17

      I can do better than AMCs, take a look at this: I'll upload the ship...

      I can do better than AMCs, take a look at this: I'll upload the ship once I've got some good screenshots. :)
    17. LegoRobot17

      Firebird NA

      Firebird type fighter, designed for small scale, ship to ship combat. Mass:830 L:49 W:29 H:39 Power:322,602.7(80,840.7e/sec) Thrust:2432.6 Shields:23,081(1826s/sec) + ion Armaments consist of rapid fire AMCs with stopping, and lockon missiles. Also carries ion shielding, overdrive, and radar...
    18. LegoRobot17

      Phoenix NA

      Phoenix class heavy interceptor, designed to fill general fleet and individual functions. Mass: 3,040 L:120 W:75 H:17 Power: 1215942.4(697180.5e/sec) Thrust: 9032.1 Shields: 60108(7183s/sec) + ion Carries damage/stopping beams, locking missiles, and ion cannons. Also carries ion shielding...
    19. LegoRobot17


    20. LegoRobot17

