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      Teleporters like in star trek

      Jeah agree , BUT: Inner ship teleportation would be awesome!
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      Different Station Icons

      Maybe the color can be made setable when it's a player station
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      Brainstorm This Controllable & Grouped Turrets

      And you could link it via a similar system to the Cores of the Turrets like Wireless Logic works
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      Read by Schine Remove Crystal Edging

      Yes please
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      Read by Schine Rail docking bounding box, and "hard docking"

      Yes but don't use a wall of blocks.Use an area trigger. This way you can sort in enerything in correct sizes an pop out rhe ones that are to big
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      Nova Fleet Dynamics Build Server- Build, Play, Explore! [Whitelist]

      IGN-Oninoni Why do you want to join the Server - To continue my active Builds and to create new ones (exspecially with direct feedback of other players) Example of your work - I have build a few ships, but im mainly focusing on logic atm. Im also working on this:
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      NOT a turrets share all shields thread (Alternative ideas)

      But it would be nerfable (For Exampleonly 25% effciency) so it wouldn't be the best way to bring shields on your turret
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      NOT a turrets share all shields thread (Alternative ideas)

      When you look at the Suggestions Site you always see a "Let Turrets share shields with mothership" - thread. This is because it's not very logical ,that a turret has to have it's defensive capabilities inside of himself. Of course it would be Very OP to just let him share the Shields with his...
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      new basic block: 2x1 wedge block

      Ahhh Schema wont do that (Block Ids...)
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      Crystal wedges, no extra IDs needed

      This is brilliant!
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      Portions of ships duplicating themselves

      Got the Same Problem with High Damage Misiles (With Explosive Effect) Large Chunks of other ships seem to duplicate and appear. But these Segments are invlunareable and like "Ghost block" ,wich you can shoot trough
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      Hotbar Redesign

      I think we definitly need a system to get other devices to our hotbar. This would mean that we could simply combine the upcoming logic gate system with all functions in the murrent menu (I don't remember the name... Im alking about the menu to control plexDoors, docking adpaters,...) This would...
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      Suggestion for Throttle Slider

      That's right Rimmer, but we would need some kind of Shortcut Acess to these Sliders to for examples toggle some Presets or it would be to Complicated to manage in midfight
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      Suggestion for Throttle Slider

      I think best solution would be a Combination of the System that is providing thrust to the Side the Engine is facing and a toggleable Dampener System wich just fires the Engines to Slowdown the Ship. This Dampener should be Autoactive if the Ship is freefloating and NOT Docked to anything. But...
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      Gamemodes, Warp drive, mines, farms and stuff

      I think this has been suggested so many times... 1. Yes but don\'t call it creative mode we\'re not in Minecraft 2. I think kit\'s already confirmed that we\'ll have some FTL drives in the future
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      Ship movement/ship design and how the movement of large ships has effectively ruined Starmade

      We are getting new Thrusters? What have i missed? :D
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      Ideas: Core- System, Hull-System, R&D

      Core: I hate the fact, that the Core is the origin of the Spacecraft. What we need is the Core (better: Controlchair) to just be a part you can Enter to fly your Ship. The first part of the Ship should be replaced by a Hull block, wich can be replaced in build mode. The Marker (The Think tha...
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      Soz, I accidentally an overhaul.

      Ehmmm... I would prefer a LUA-AI Module xD Then the Community could write the Codes for all these different drones! This would be the best way to implement Complex AI.