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    1. TheOriginalBIT

      Docked Entity Rail Transfer/Transition

      Backstory / Use case I've been working on some fairly compact and complicated rail systems and there are times when a docked entity needs to be transitioned between rails; for example the entity travelling horizontally and then needing to travel vertically. To achieve this I created the below...
    2. TheOriginalBIT

      Opposite of corner

      We have blocks We have wedges We have a hepta And we have the diametrically opposite tetra We have the corner But where is the diametrically opposite hull block for the corner? Recently I've had a few cases in my builds where a shape diametrically opposite to a corner would be...
    3. TheOriginalBIT

      Adv Detection Docked Entities

      This is a 2 part suggestion. First the suggestions, then the use case which has made me think of these. Suggestions: Ability to identify what ship is docked to the rail with logic; and Ability to read specific blocks on a docked entity with logic; Use case: I have a drone mothership I'm...
    4. TheOriginalBIT

      Ship based repairing "yards"

      I'm currently making a drone mothership and it would be awesome if it were possible to have a repair frame the drones can fly through which would repair them based on a single blueprint that is loaded into the structure. I figure that shipyards inside just any ship is not desired, for this...