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    1. ante185

      Possible armour fix

      What i am suggesting is that sheilds should leak damage, but keep reading it gets better, so x%(25% or 50%) get through but armour will not reduce the damaged leak like this (damage-damage*armour%) but rather by doing somthing like this (damage-totalDamage*armour%) whit total damage being what...
    2. ante185

      Slingshot/fighter luancher brainstorming

      A slingshot ish cannon that can shoot ships as projectiles. the 'projectile' doesn't lose any properties that it had when it was a ship, like AI/cannons/thrusters, so you could send projectiles that could variy very much. you can use it to boost ships up to twice that of the maximum speed limit...
    3. ante185

      sequential fire

      it would be nice if we could set the weapon computers to fire its groups sequentialy so instead of firing all them AMC/missile groups at the same time you would get a steady or a somewhat steady stream of fire down the range. while it might reduce DPS it could, if other suggestions that aims to...