Possible armour fix

    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    What i am suggesting is that sheilds should leak damage, but keep reading it gets better, so x%(25% or 50%) get through but armour will not reduce the damaged leak like this (damage-damage*armour%) but rather by doing somthing like this (damage-totalDamage*armour%) whit total damage being what the projectle could deal out in damage and damage being what is leaked through the shields

    This way hull and harden hull would be somewhat usefull as unarmouerd blocks will only survive longer with shields while hull can survive basicly till your shield deplete. (Regular hull might possibly still take some damage to make harden hull usefull)

    Some math:

    Calculated based on 100 damage hits and 50% leakage

    Core = 20% armour will take 30hp in damage when shielded (50-100*0.20)

    RHull = 25% armour will take 25hp in damage when shielded (50-100*0.25)

    HHull = 50% armour will take 0hp in damage when shielded (50-100*0.50)

    Note this idea is not ideal nor is it finnished, please expand a express how you would think it should work


    Dec 31, 2013
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    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Currently it is:

    • HHull = -50 or 0 damage when shielded (50-200*0.50)

    Did you want it to change hp too?

    You have too think about missiles and their decrease in damage away from the center of explosion - you did?

    Basic hull would take 6 shots (133 hp effectively) not 5.

    I think it is a good start, but there are better ideas - like to use armour before shields to give servers also a possibility to balance shield capacities.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    the way i suggest to calculate it is (Leaked Damage - projectiles total damage * armour value in decimal)

    leaked damage would = (projectiles total damage * how much the shield absorbes) so if the projectiles total damage is = X and the sheilds where set to leak 50% then the calculation for harden hull would look like this

    ((X*0.50)-(X*0.50)) = 0 so a harden hull wouldn\'t take damage, regardless how much damage the projectile has, as long as shields arn\'t set to leak more then 50%

    My main idea with this was to enable the destruction of generators, weapons computers ect without going through 2 mil shields, to enable sabotage and make some points of the ship a bit more exposed.

    Also how the damage is deliverd doesn\'t matter, I shouldn\'t have said \"projectiles total damage\" (That implies the stat you can see if you go into the weapons menu) but what i should have said was that it was the damage before shields and armour is accounted for. I am dyslectic and not THAT good at english so sorry for being unclear!
    Aug 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Has merits, I would say. I think the number of time missiles should be calculated is based on the radius - the radius is halved each time, and if the radius is less than 1, it stops. If the missile breaks through, the radius is halved again and it is treated like a normal missle impact, with the normal missle damage

    This way if missiles break through the shield, the shield still had some effect - it reduced the area of effect, but it didn\'t completely neutralize it.