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    1. dsgraves

      The Vaygr Empire [RECRUITMENT OPEN]

      This Thread has been locked by Faction Request. Check out the new thread: here The Vaygr Empire OUR GOAL IS TO DOMINATE THE UNIVERSE, BY ANY MEANS. If you have what it takes, join us. In becoming a Vaygr member, you will be taught the principles of star made and of the Vaygr. Our empire...
    2. dsgraves

      The Vaygr Empire [RECRUITMENT OPEN]

      The Vaygr Empire OUR GOAL IS TO DOMINATE THE UNIVERSE, BY ANY MEANS. If you have what it takes, join us. In becoming a Vaygr member, you will be taught the principles of star made and of the Vaygr. Our empire is ruled by a single entity; the God-Emperor. We have little time for politicians...
    3. dsgraves

      Excelsior Industries

      Excelsior Industries is an intergalactic corporation that has recently moved from the baked goods business into the construction of interplanetary combat and mining vessels of a medium quality. This changeover was brought on by the purchase of the bankrupt Shadowfyre Shipyards, manufacturer of...