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    1. A

      More bugfixes and joystick/gamepad support (0.12) *hotfixed again*

      Gotta love them NullPointerExeptions. Bug report sent.
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      StarMade 0.1 (Prebuild)

      Was hoping for a longer change log. I am disappointed.
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      StarMade 0.09386: Faction Structure Management

      BRING IT!
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      Latest patch crashing with build blocks

      no crashing while entering build blocks for me
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      Created a server where you can upload blueprints and then view them online.

      Looks like your website doesn\'t like my Bahama7 very much! Bits and pieces left over from symmetry mistakes and old versions. Everyone else\'s look fine.... Very cool though. Give it a little turret compatibility and my Vespa-Destroyer will look awesome! By the way, your Thors Hammer is...
    6. A

      Turrets attacking me when I leave my ship

      because I didn\'t want to hijack the other thread. However, I\'m not entirely sure this is it anymore... but the same sort of thing happened to me when I was building a planet defense turret a while ago. From what I saw, the AI in turrets set to target \'Any\' that have activated(signed)...
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      Newest Update and Docking doesn't work any more.

      I\'m glad at least someone else has mentioned the disappearing ship core indicators. It\'s not just me!
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      Flower Power

      Flowers OP plz nerf.
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      Newest Update and Docking doesn't work any more.

      Still not fixed in latest version.
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      Ark class Sublight colony Vessel

      I want to know more about this ship\'s story now, dammit...
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      Excessive Typos

      Feature, not a bug.
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      Spawning Ships bug

      Aryl, your method crashes my game. Edit: Herp, I dumb. I forgot to leave the .0.0.0 on the end of the file name. Works like a charm when I use ENTITY_SHIP_(ship name).0.0.0.smd2
    13. A

      Newest Update and Docking doesn't work any more.

      I think I\'d rather play on my local server and roll back to 0.09375, where this bug isn\'t an issue, until it is properly patched. Not willing to just say f**k it and deal with a game breaking bug. Your description in post #4 is enough information for schema to replicate the events himself. I...
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      Plexbeacon Light Glitch

      I\'ve been getting this bug for a while now. I get random beacon lights showing up around new ships that I\'ve built, even though I haven\'t placed a single plexbeacon block anywhere on it.
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      Sector Boundary Issues (AKA Bug-Powered Jumpgate)

      Docked ships seem to be a bit broken since the 0.09376 update:
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      Newest Update and Docking doesn't work any more.

      Yep! I\'ve been replicating this exactly how you described it all morning. How are others not having this issue?
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      Something else caused this, astrotech beams are fine? Original: Astrotechbeam does not repair anymor

      Did you happen to be between sectors when everything seemed broken? I had some very similar issues after updating.
    18. A

      Newest Update and Docking doesn't work any more.

      I had a few problems with docking as well with this update. Someone else in my local server was reporting that the position of my ship was well over into the next sector while I appeared to be in the correct position on my screen. To them I appeared to be far away just messing with the hangar...
    19. A

      StarMade 0.09376: Economy, Performance & UDP

      Anyone else having a problem with turrets not showing up correctly with this update? Turrets do not spawn on pirate/trading guild ships, and the diamond target reticles for the turrets on my ships disappear seconds after logging in to my single player game. The turrets show up correctly after I...