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    1. W

      New player models coming up.

      love the new player models!
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      Tractor Beam

      instead of planets, asteroids and shops how about just ships powered or unpowerd, it would be like a strong tractor beam can pull a weaker thruster ship but not a stronger ship
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      Buying recipes with credits - because it makes sense

      would at least like the option to pay with credits, it is quite anoying trying to get 5000 of something only to get a realy crap recipe
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      Chat colors bassed off of faction or admin set.

      would greatly help server comunication
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      Suggestions for a lot of stuff: Trains, maps, auto-pilot and more.

      i want all of these things !! especialy controling doors and lights with a computer.
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      Personal Defense - Armor, Weapons, Boarding, Robots, and Medicine

      Ooo Vents o.o want more usefull decorations!
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      Personal Defense - Armor, Weapons, Boarding, Robots, and Medicine

      if oxegen is added which is planed your going to need interiors, also in order to get in your ship core in the first place/ haveing it on the outside is dumb.
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      Personal Defense - Armor, Weapons, Boarding, Robots, and Medicine

      this would add such a variety of combat and ship design, i can see interior turrets become a thing if ths takes off
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      [Mothership] Project Dervish - WIP

      this could fit a few of my capital ships in it O.O
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      A way to name a sector, asteroid, etc.

      totaly epic for the RP and navigation! and when mobs are in they could have there own names for there planets as well!
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      Advanced Ship Build Mode: Tool Suggestions

      would love more tools in advanced build mode!
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      SpaceCube-mature and chill people wanted-no kids being retarded -_--server now dead. . .

      sounds good, i hate dang jerks just stealing your ship piece by piece as soon as you spawn it. IGN is Waylend
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      Tractor and Inversion Beams!

      i definetly agree that there should be more tools for ships!
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      Elevator Suggestion

      anyone thought that the current elevators should be better? I think u should be able to use the C & V conection system to design your own.and that there should be like a floor block that stops it for a couple of secconds. just some things i thought
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      Point defence

      I like the shield system alot but i think there should also be a weapon that you could connect to an A.I that fires a lazer beam at missiles specificaly, destroying them. thoughts/opinions? (yes i imediatly thought of starcraft :P)
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      Ship Repair,Upgrade, & Sell Options

      i realy like these ideas as options, would greatly improve my enjoyment of the game.