A way to name a sector, asteroid, etc.

    Jul 1, 2013
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    If you could name a sector or what have you, you could have marked as that name in your navigation menu, no matter where you are in the universe. This would give a more personalized experience, for example, if you had some sort of base on an asteroid, you could call it base blue or whatever. Plus, you would be able to easily find it.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    — No, our faction discovered this system first! It is the Raptar system! In the name of all things succulent, we claim these worlds!

    — Nu-uh, we were here ages ago, as evidenced by our deep mining colony on the asteroid Proctologus I. This is White Dwarf territory!

    I think a system where you could create your own star charts where you get to name things on your own would be pretty cool. Especially if you could share it with others, like having the same \"database\", with protected edit settings, perhaps allow different users to \'discover\' terrain and add a note and others to \'name\' them. All this tying into a magical navigational computer that lets you plot courses through the vast, brightdark, universe without breaking your keyboard\'s w-key.

    You could end-up running an Astropath/Explorers\' Guild with a \'definite\' map of all sector/star/planet names in one region of space competing vs. another faction using differing terms, or, possibly, non-human names on the same server.

    So using a ”Darel” space chart, you\'d run into planets named funny alien names \"Taas\", \"Viikus\", \"Prouns\", etc., while using the Navigators\' Guild-certified stellar map they\'d all be called something like \"Niathina\", \"New New York\", \"Bakon IV\", \"Nova Terra\", \"Tellarius\", \"Neuland\", \"Belaya\", \"Zvezda\", \"Ostland\", and so on.

    And since users would have the final say in astronomical concerns, if official persistent servers do not arrive, the lulz planet names like \"BOB IS AWESOME32\", \"Hissanus 32\", would probably not see great of a following in the long run.

    Bonus: You\'d feel somewhat proud over having discovered a previously uncharted system (yet tying in with the anarchy that seems to permeate the game\'s spirit, many others could claim they did it first and be totally coolsauce)

    For the RP lulz. Consider.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    totaly epic for the RP and navigation!

    and when mobs are in they could have there own names for there planets as well!


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Private star charts all the way.

    The location is fixed, the name is up to the map you look at ;D
    Jul 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Perhaps if in a faction starmaps could be linked - so, when one exploration team of Mercer Corporation discovers a new planet in the Albitzy Sector, all Mercer Corp. Teams\' starmaps are updated upon re-logging into the game to reflect the new discovery - Obviously, the entire team would \'discover\' the planet provided their onsite, or set foot on the planet, but other personnel at other locations would need to log out, then back into to update thier maps. (as to decrease lag?)
    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    A map at all would be nice, like a simple 2D map (where you could set if its gonna show XY, YZ, XZ) where you could like zoom in on sectors and see the named planets (Depending on who\'se map you got) and zoom out a bit and see each factions border and all!
    Jul 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Nameing sectors or even star systems would be great! It might solve a few of these flaws the The current map system has:

    1: its wayyy to annoying to have to zigzag through the universe to get to a waypoint. There must be a way for the computer to aproximate the value placement for the point on screen, and set the waypoint in a more \"as the crow flies\" line. Even if the computer has to adjust a little once you get closer, it would still make those diagonnal-trajectory destinations a little easier to get to. Typing in a name of a place is easier to remember than a set of co-ords (for me at least) so waypoint settings should be configured for both named locations and co-ords.

    2: x,y,z coords on the map. I am positive this is something that will be implemented sometime soon, so I\'m not too worried. For other improvements to its interface, having the nav menu show up next to it would be great where you could select either a cube in the map, or its counterpart in the nav menu. For simplicity, only explored areas within the starsystem would show up. Oh, and obviously only the cube selected would have the xyz coords displayed. Also, a possible zoom feature would be really nice!

    3: I like the idea of linking starmaps only within factions. But i think it should be possible to stake ownership of things and for that to be displayed as a different color from your own faction color. So it would be like this: you are flying along, capturing planets for your factions glory, when suddenly a red dot appears on your radar. You check the map menu, and sure enough you have stumbled into enemy territorry. The sector shows up light red, where sectors possessed by you have a blue tint. this would make for incredible territory wars and set up deifinitive battlefields where players could engage in large scale shootouts. Planets with rich resources or maybe relics that give items (if rare spawns are implemented) would become killing grounds.


    Nov 14, 2013
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    Seriously, we need these features... Especially since planets all look alike externally unless there\'s stuff in orbit.