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    1. M

      Idea for a non-Sandbox style Server

      I forgot to add in my other post that I think the idea of a non sandbox style server completely defeats the idea of starmade and everything that it stands for. Some of the first words on the website say that starmade is an open world sandbox game. Taking it away seems redundant since there are...
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      Cruise control

      I agree with oyu. I like the idea of cruise control. Kind of like turning inertia dampeners off in space engineers but still requiring power to move because of starmades deceleration.
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      Idea for a non-Sandbox style Server

      Your server ideas basically sound like any other roleplay server but you have a block that has rare spawns and has a higher value. I don\'t think you should force people to have to have one of only 4 classes either. Plus what is the point of having a cargo ship and escorts when you can just have...
    4. M

      Intel graphics card refuses to work

      You have to update your graphics card. if your game wont load because of it it should give you a link. You have to go to that site and download the graphics card update. I had the same thing happen with my new computer. It will download, install the things and it should restart to finish the...
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      MMO (massive multiplayer online)

      This is already implemented. I dont know if youve ever been on one of the big servers but its pretty much exactly what you described. Its kind of like minecraft servers. There are small servers with 10 to 20 people on or there are big servers with 200 people on them. Starmade is pretty much the...
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      Dave discovers that disintegrators explode

      First comment! Im also glad that you can now chain disintegrators.
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      I have a few things to say about this post. 1: People need to stop trying to classify ships by these stupid posts. Each one is different from the others and each one is from your own personal opinion. Dont try to classify a ship off a stupid post like this, do it how you think it should be...
    8. M

      I have found the answer to the Big ship vs. Small ship Debate!

      Finally someone that gets it! I get so tired of people complaining about this. Your right you have to work for it. You may even think I complain about big factions and that little guys cant fight back. But I am preparing. One attack at a time. you will never see it coming. We are planing...
    9. M

      Possible shield changes

      I was thinking about shields on my newest project and got a few ideas for possible shield changes. I was wondering if it would be possible for shield to be toggleable. They would also take some power but not a huge amount. That way when you couldn't keep your shields up all the time. Then you...
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      Dave and his crew

      I think the new character model is amazing and I love the texture pack from what I see. I am so happy that they finally added a crew system thing. I didnt exactly want it but since they added it then thats awesome. I kind of get tired wandering space all alone in my giant spaceship.
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      Star Wars Re-creation Ships (Mostly Over-Scale)

      You should make the prison barge from deathtroopers. Or the Derelict star destroyer that was researching biological weapons. I know deathtroopers isnt part of the normal star wars series but he got permission from the people who own star wars to write the book so it still counts.
    12. M

      Jump Gate/StarGates and Warp Drive

      I dont really like the idea of stargates very much. it just seems tacky ad like its ripping off another thing *cough* stargate series *cough*. but I do think the game needs a warp drive. It would work similar to the slipspace drive from halo. It uses a huge amount of energy to create a \"slip\"...
    13. M

      Spaztech Industries

      Hey, everyone is the \"bad guy\" to someone.
    14. M

      The ways the SM Faction Universe might go (WARNING DOOMSDAY SCENARIO)

      Is Brad really a griefer? Or is he a hero? During the American Revolution the americans were seen as tratiors. yet now we see them as heros. To you anyone that attacks you out of difference of opinion is an enemy. yet to them you are the enemy. Have you ever heard \"to the victor goes the...
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      Spaztech Industries

      I understand that most computers and servers cant handle a battle with 50 ships but I never said that they all attack at once. You could still have several. or you could just have random encounters with enemy factions where they kill you every time because you are an enemy. Side note to...
    16. M

      Spaztech Industries

      I understand that larger factions would occur eventually but it has gotten out of control. How is anyone, let alone a group, supposed to attack your faction without losing? how is anyone to survive if they are an enemy of you? some people just want to live a simple life as a salvager or miner...
    17. M

      Spaztech Industries

      I understand your reasoning for these statements. I will reconsider my thoughts but not immediatly change my decision. I believe he had the right to attack you. I am fed up with all of the giant factions conrtoling the universe. It is time to put an end to that. When He staged what could almost...
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      I had to update my drivers for it to work. with the security update I have been having some server connection issues. it will crash the game 2 minutes after joining and blame it on my graphics card. dont know why.
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      The Starmade's main problem

      I think your problem is that you dont want to expand enough. your just not competitive enough to have endless fun in the game. After you have a ship and are content then go explore. find pirates. attack and destroy them. buy sell mine and become rich. use your money and stuff to buy materials...
    20. M

      Turret Strategy

      if i have a big ship i put one or two salvage beam turrets on just to make it easier to salvage without undocking another ship.