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    1. Darkatus

      Make beams become fatter the bigger they are

      I want huge spartan lasers. That is all. :)
    2. Darkatus

      The Oracle - (Featuring a Orbiting Cannon!) 1.0

      This ship is a concept I thought would be cool to try with the rail system. From playing this ship, it seems to work better if someone is in control of the turret, but the AI works too, just a bit annoyingly. The main issue I have found with this ship is how the turret gets in your face...
    3. Darkatus

      Passenger /or Chair Block

      I really like this idea, but perhaps it could be somewhat of a chair in which you can see the player sitting in it? I would like to see a chair as a replacement of the ship core method of entry, while still requiring the ship core a ship might need a seat to sit in to pilot. IMO it makes more...
    4. Darkatus

      Understanding the Weapons Update

      Ahh okay thanks!
    5. Darkatus


      I love what you doing with this! Can't wait to see it done. Btw, Will you be adding an easier symmetry mode to SMedit2? Would be extremely useful! (By symmetry I mean like the in game symmetry)
    6. Darkatus

      Understanding the Weapons Update

      I agree, explanations and formulas for the weapon effects would be useful. and I personally would also like to know how to activate the mentioned "Defensive" counterparts of the effects.
    7. Darkatus

      Credit Limit Upgraded?

      Yeah, I think that if prices were reduced and salvaging would have a actual use in the game, right now people mainly just raid and kill and salvaging has little use. I would love to see salvaging having a huge influence on the game. *Edit* And by salvaging I don't mean put a build block on a...
    8. Darkatus

      Credit Limit Upgraded?

      I have been trying to buy the blueprints of a ship I made, and I can't because it costs 3 billion. This is problematic as the current credit cap is around 2.1 billion. Could this be increased in anyway?
    9. Darkatus

      More Advanced "Advanced Build Mode"

      Pic is up now, if you want to see. The ship was actually inspired to be worked on by your UNSC Sprit of Fire.. No way I'm ever trying to make a ship this big again with the game's current tools. *Edit* Its actually 3900m
    10. Darkatus

      More Advanced "Advanced Build Mode"

      Yeah, that would actually be quite awesome! Definitely would help for adding internal systems to hulls, or tweaking. As well as just showcasing ships too :) *Edit* A way to see the values of energy that each segment produces would also be useful in conjunction with this to see how you can make...
    11. Darkatus

      More Advanced "Advanced Build Mode"

      I've been playing Starmade for almost 2 years now, and one thing that's always been lacking about Advanced Build Mode is the incapability to place more blocks at a time (Such as a 10 x 1 x 20, not a 10 x 1 x 10) and the ability to place blocks in different shapes such as a sphere. I would find...
    12. Darkatus

      The H2-BEHEMOTH 2014-05-20

      The front view of the H2-BEHEMOTH. The two huge objects on the sides of the ship are turrets that span nearly the entire length of the ship. The dimensions of this ship are Length: 405 Height: 89 Width: 241. The tonnage is nearly equivalent to 1 million blocks; even though there is still a huge...
    13. Darkatus

      The Adenian Empire -- Old Thread

      In-Game Name: Darkatus Age: 16 Civilian (Specify general field), Captain, or Pilot: Captain Skype: (Optional, but makes in-game comms easier. Will be replaced with TS eventually) None, Sorry. Strengths: Ship Defense and Engagement. Weaknesses: Dealing with CloakJam ships. Online Activity: Quite...
    14. Darkatus

      Kill Weapons Tech 2

      Yes I do, about Frigate sizes.
    15. Darkatus

      Kill Weapons Tech 2

      Appears fine to me, though it might be browser based. Ill check this out. *Edit* Should be fine, idk what problem your having, but what browser do you have? Do other pictures show? *Edit 2* Changed host to Imagur, might work now.
    16. Darkatus

      Kill Weapons Tech 2

      Kill Weapons Tech 2 is from the old Starmade forums and I am continuing my work here. Ships: Name: H2-BEHEMOTH Pictures: The front view of the H2-BEHEMOTH. The two huge objects on the sides of the ship are turrets that span nearly the entire length of the ship. The dimensions of this ship...
    17. Darkatus

      Making docking easier

      I have a mother ship (about 5000 blocks) and i estimated i will need atleast 2000 docking enhancers. I have the money, but going around shops all day is way too long.
    18. Darkatus

      Invisible Beams bug

      In my mothership im just viewing from the shipcore and it happens. Sometimes the Cockpit actually fixes it, but rarely.
    19. Darkatus

      Salvage Beams not appearing

      Ive been experienceing a problem (semi-uncommon) that salvage lasers wont appear. It makes salvageing really difficult because my salvage beam is not alligned to a view point. It is 'sort've' a common experience that really makes gameplay difficult when mining. It would be great for this to be...
    20. Darkatus

      Salvage Shields

      When i was playing with my friend, he accidentally salvaged my turrets that had the fac mod on, these were manuall turrets docked on my ship, thus the reason of a Anti-Salvage-Mod. I do see your point for bases, but my turrets go bye bye in a manner of seconds. Normal shields are N/A against...