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    1. B

      My ship disappeared after re-entering the game in singleplayer

      My flagship in progress just disappeared after logging in and I hadn\'t saved the blueprint in a while. I found this solution and it saved my life. I\'ve been over the admin commands a million times and I\'ve never seen this. It would seem that occasionally after a server restart it will put...
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      StarMade Server Problems: No pirates , Cant restock store

      Just found a fix. If the shop is out of the item you\'re trying to restock, once you type the command, you just have to sell the shop 1 of the item, then buy it back and the inventory should shoot up lol
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      StarMade Server Problems: No pirates , Cant restock store

      I\'m having restock troubles, too :/
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      Shields not working

      I just tested it on my station in progress. The shields were still blue but blocks were disappearing. There aren\'t any turrets on it.
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      Shields not working

      I\'m having the same problem, anyone have any idea?
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      What is the invisibug that has been fixed? lol
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      Ideal build for a Turret?

      For some reason my turret isn\'t drawing power from the ship, so it\'s shields won\'t go up. Any thoughts? The ship is docked to a turret dock, the core is on the bottom. I don\'t know what else to do lol
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      Strange texture on core? (damaged?) Killing me and disappears :(

      For anyone else who\'s wondering, it is sun damage. I\'ve yet to find a way to mitigate the damage besides gunning it in the opposite direction lol
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      random damage to ship

      Hopefully lol. I just tacked on some engines and power and gunned it away from the sun. Unfortunately, I ran into another sun.... I just can\'t win lol
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      random damage to ship

      Thank you so much, I\'ve been looking everywhere for a solution. Only problem is that my entire ship disintegrated and now I\'m stranded. Every ship I try to build keeps getting burnt up :(
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      Strange texture on core? (damaged?) Killing me and disappears :(

      Sun flare? I don\'t know if it means anything, but I\'m in sector 8,7,7 and the sun/star is unbelievably bright. Like it almost turns my screen white when I look at it? Is that what it is? Some kind of radiation effect?
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      Strange texture on core? (damaged?) Killing me and disappears :(

      Ok, I seriously need help. I keep buying new cores, I place them down, get in them, switch over to build mode. Then after about 30 seconds any parts I put on it get damaged and start diappearing. Then the core does the same thing and it kills me. What is happening??? I\'m not getting attacked...
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      Strange texture on core? (damaged?) Killing me and disappears :(

      Is this some sort of damage mechanic? I got in a fight with a ship and I beat him and took his core, but when I got back to the shop and looked at my ship, a bunch of pieces were missing and disappearing, and I tabbed out while in my core and it killed me and disappeared. I know this is probably...