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    1. Stripes

      Slab scaling for ALL hull/glass/door blocks and variable wedges

      I like it, would be nice for detailing
    2. Stripes

      Fleet Combat Idea

      So I had a few Ideas that could added to make fleet combat more interesting. Tell me what you think. RTS Map So the first one I think would be cool is a mode that gives you a view of the sector you are in as a 3d map, kind of like Homeworld. Then from there you could give commands to your ships...
    3. Stripes

      Ship Design Advice

      I plan to add more color for sure. I might mix in some different armor types and such. Yeah I'm not to into greebling because I like my FPS to be high. I was planing on adding more color and armor and since its a battle carrier it will have plenty of turrets. I like the look of your...
    4. Stripes

      Ship Design Advice

      Thanks for the tips everyone wish me luck.
    5. Stripes

      Ship Design Advice

      Anyone have some tips on how to make your ship look cooler. What are some of the things you guys have done to make your ships look sick. I attached a picture of the ship I'm currently working on. Its a battle carrier. How can I make it better. Also The fighter for it isn't very impressive but...
    6. Stripes

      you never had sushi?

      you never had sushi?
    7. Stripes

      There are as few as 3,200 tigers still left in the wild.

      There are as few as 3,200 tigers still left in the wild.
    8. Stripes

      I love Sushi

      I love Sushi
    9. Stripes


      I love the the new rear end so I added a tail. So I added a tail and some storage up and dubed it the NightfuryACE. As for you Phantoms I was very impressed actually. Those birds are very deadly fighters I\'m glad I downloaded it. I needed something good for my carrier...
    10. Stripes


      I love small fighters too. Also I only have 2 gigs of ram and an I3 processor so I can\'t handle much. So I built this. I wanted to make a supremacy fighter like the F-15 Eagle, it can hold its own against most fighters at least in a 20 VS 20 AI battle. Though this is probably a bit bigger than...
    11. Stripes


      The one up front looks awsome. Does it come in black! :D