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      New Galactic Empire

      is that the thing with the 5 wheels on one side? or the... the one that kinda floats
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      New Galactic Empire

      Aplication Name: Nuerr Trek IGN: nuerr_trek Position applied: storm trooper(can we get armor that at least protects us from weapons?) Why you want to join The Empire: why not? got nothing else to do in starmade, other than making some random ships. Skills: i can shoot stuff! And i can...
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      New Galactic Empire

      Name: Nuerr Trek IGN: nuerr_trek Position applied: storm trooper Why you want to join The Empire: why not? got nothing else to do in starmade, other than making some random ships. Skills: ehh... well... there\'s... um... yeah... my skills are... ah...umm... stuff.
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      i really like that idea nikicon
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      well @matthmatt, back-up shields would only weigh 3/4s less than the normal sheilds...
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      oh and also, we have shields which are amazing! but they can and will fall. why not have back-up shields. they only work when your shields fall*. and four back-ups equall one sd shield block
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      also, you have plex elivators for stations but not ships. why is that? building steps is annoyng and space consuming. and jumping up block by block is annoying. also, should we be able to rotate our characters for people like me who failed at a door by makking it 1 x 3... :/
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      oh! also when im making a big, dreadnuaght weapon, the weapons computor keeps getting un-selected every now and then, and its anoyying... do you think you could fix that?
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      also think about adding food. but only if your going for that realistic feel. imagine stuff like: food replicators the ablity to grow fruits & vetgibles green houses water & water pipeing(real word?) system and also for another realistic idea, warmth. because space is FREEZEING COLD! heat...
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      i think there should be more kinds of weapons. like... we have three missles. but only one kind of laser beam(weapon) i think there should be... -antimatter= default strength -(name here)= (strength here) -(name here)= (strength here) -(name here)= (strength here) -(name here)= (strength...
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      nuerr_trek. i would like to join the pioneers. i belive in peace and poineers is the closest thing to a peace-race. my shoes are awsome.