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    1. Galacticruler

      StarMade 0.093932: More Fixes

      - added server config line to enable projectiles gaining the relative speed from where they are shot from Yes...missiles will now obey physics. Schema, you are one of a few devs who actually listens to their players. Thank you.
    2. Galacticruler

      StarMade 0.0939: Personal Shops

      the FPS boost happens because it decreases the size of file being added to the VRAM.
    3. Galacticruler

      Liquids and gases. (plasmas too)

      Harvesting could be done by flying thruough a clouf of them in space with a \"Ram Scoop\".
    4. Galacticruler


      On the reactors, true, I do think also that I went a bit too high there, perhaps lower those values by 5/6 their current value? The spawn shop thing was becasue I\'m tired of running out of hulls and flying a 1/5 finished ship. The L5 mineral change was to give new-comers a easier time...
    5. Galacticruler


      Thank you for the ideas and thoughts Ix.
    6. Galacticruler


      Due to the Starmade icon at the top left of the page, I lost the typed data 2 times before, one suggestion is to remove the perma-link from it or add an auto-save feature to the text box. Back to where I was before: Light Hulls(Does not count towards cloak/jammer power drain, 1/15 armor of...
    7. Galacticruler

      StarMade 0.0936: Sound Core Switch & more fixes (+docking fix) (+NullPointerFix)

      Perhaps when the collison detection kickes in, it teleports the coliding objects one block away untill they are not colliding?
    8. Galacticruler

      Infinite weapons/shields, Armor Thickness, Faction log

      i agree with 100% of this.
    9. Galacticruler

      Weapon and Defense module thoughts

      Thank you Ixalite.
    10. Galacticruler

      Help: create automatic defense towers

      well, for turrets you select the correct type(turret) and click the check box next to activate. Done.
    11. Galacticruler

      Wall of suggested changes/modifications.

      Black, I link you to my suggestions topic, do note though , that this could work nicely with both yours and Donut\'s suggestions if done correctly:
    12. Galacticruler

      Several bugs plaguing the game currently

      Don\'t forget the invisibug Planr.
    13. Galacticruler

      Multiplayer: protect your spaceship?

      Either join a faction, buy a faction module and activate it, OR you can add AI turrets and set them to attack everything in range, generally speaking, scavenger ships. This is where I leave this thread, please refrain from asking me fora turret tutorial.
    14. Galacticruler

      Nightmare faction. An entirely new faction of ships.

      Anywho....I have a couple name suggestions: Kyro Syndicate Foederationis Domitis Seculorum (Latin) The Warriors of the Volg The D\'nak Imperial Navy The Order Thats all I got. EDIT: one more, De Rensemidler (Norwegian)
    15. Galacticruler

      Nightmare faction. An entirely new faction of ships.

      It might help if we had thier story to see and base names off of. EDIT: This might be of some use: EDIT2: I cannot read apparently.
    16. Galacticruler

      [WIP][108x] Starstone texture pack, UI skin and custom blocks [0.5]

      I love that texture animation! It looks like a good reactor core detail.
    17. Galacticruler

      [WIP][108x] Starstone texture pack, UI skin and custom blocks [0.5]

      Very nice, its a subtle but noticeable difference from the default. One suggestion I have is to try doing what this MC Texture Pack did and provide a slightly but not totally different feel by smoothing the textures and adding a bit of realism; http:/ ;Overall I\'d give it a 6/10 for...
    18. Galacticruler


      I\'d say you have to update and restore it to default
    19. Galacticruler

      Fake round planet

      As Innocent stated, ships that are huge might get a...Portal effect by quantum warping and seeing the other end of the ship. This would be rather confusing, also, think of dogfighting, moving fast enough, you might be shooting the other craft at the same time they are shooting you. EDIT...