    Jun 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    Due to the Starmade icon at the top left of the page, I lost the typed data 2 times before, one suggestion is to remove the perma-link from it or add an auto-save feature to the text box.

    Back to where I was before:

    • Light Hulls(Does not count towards cloak/jammer power drain, 1/15 armor of normal hull)(Wedges, corners, corner wedges)
    • Corner Wedges and 360° rotation of corners
    • Nuclear Reactor blocks(Reactor Core, Reactor Wall, Generator, Pipe)( only works when placed in proper nuclear reactor setup, generates 150 million p/5 seconds, $50 billion, only works when a craft has either:

      300 million tons mass
    • 150 million blocks

    [*]Can overheat)
    [*]False ship modules(trick the enemy)
    [*]Signature Generator(Generates false ship icons in the area around the generator, consumes 50 p/s, all fake ships are of the owner's faction)
    [*]Seats(do I need to explain?)
    [*]Salvage Turret AI core(BOBBY + Salvage logic)
    [*]Logo Blocks(adds a player defined logo (like skins) to one side of the block)
    [*]Death Star core repurposed into Star-Killer torpedo(same thrust as one thruster, 5x the damage of a disintegrator, AI included, able to dock, counts as a ship core, cannot have anything on it)
    [*]This thread
    [*]Salvage protection on faction owned ships.
    [*]Always on DRM(Jk)...I mean always on spawn protection, and the spawn shop CANNOT run out of parts.
    [*]Shops can be built and altered by players/factions or even bought if enough credits are present
    [*]L5 minerals need a spawn rate change, they are too rare.
    [*]Planets render one chunk at a time, or one chunk and render the rest as "fake" chunks to save old toasters like mine.
    [*]Plasma thrusters(Less thrust, but lower power consumption per block.)
    [*]Removal of server/single player select and replacement with MC style main menu.
    [*]Ability to change settings on thrusters like weapons
    [*]EDIT: Almost forgot, Color selections for hulls, to reduce hull texture count and let people run wild with colors.

    More as I think of them.
    May 6, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    many of these are good ideas. I have always been a proponent of multi-block interactions, of having actual DESIGN having an effect on your ship\'s performance. I happen to think that every major system should have to touch a power cable, and loose effectiveness if disconnected from the main power core. Also, shield invulnerability is OP, I reccommend shields be changed to damage REDUCTION rather than negation.
    Apr 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Top Forum Contributor
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Councillor Gold
    • Light Hulls(Does not count towards cloak/jammer power drain, 1/15 armor of normal hull)(Wedges, corners, corner wedges)

    -I\'m okay with this. 1/15 armor though would be about 25 HP with 0% damage reduction.

    • Corner Wedges and 360° rotation of corners

    -I\'m surprised that this hasn\'t been done yet myself.

    • Nuclear Reactor blocks(Reactor Core, Reactor Wall, Generator, Pipe)( only works when placed in proper nuclear reactor setup, generates 150 million p/5 seconds, $50 billion, only works when a craft has either:

      300 million tons mass
    • 150 million blocks

    [*]Can overheat)

    -I\'m a little confused here. This /is/ a good idea however I think you\'re thinking on too grand a scale. In order to hit 300,000,000 tons you must have 3 billion blocks on your craft. I would rather see it as an expensive mass power generation system for capital ships (10kmass or higher) with a significantly nerfed recharge rate.

    • False ship modules(trick the enemy)


    • Signature Generator(Generates false ship icons in the area around the generator, consumes 50 p/s, all fake ships are of the owner\'s faction)

    Not sure how taxing this would be on the engine but htat\'d be great.

    • Seats(do I need to explain?)
    • Salvage Turret AI core(BOBBY + Salvage logic)
    • Logo Blocks(adds a player defined logo (like skins) to one side of the block)

    I can see this going hand in hand with faction block.

    • Death Star core repurposed into Star-Killer torpedo(same thrust as one thruster, 5x the damage of a disintegrator, AI included, able to dock, counts as a ship core, cannot have anything on it)
    • This thread
    • Auto-doors
    • Salvage protection on faction owned ships.
    • Always on DRM(Jk)...I mean always on spawn protection, and the spawn shop CANNOT run out of parts.

    Spawn protection yes; spawn shop having infinite stock no. I would be ok with the shop restocking but not having infinite stock. The shop running out of stock is part of the subtle motivation for players to leave the spawn and explore the galaxy.

    • Shops can be built and altered by players/factions or even bought if enough credits are present

    I believe this is in the works by schema.

    • L5 minerals need a spawn rate change, they are too rare.

    Are you insane? L5 blocks are perfectly fine the way they are right now. Please note that these ores are theoretically meant for manufacturing, not resale. one L5 ore is the same as 10000 Normal ores.

    • Planets render one chunk at a time, or one chunk and render the rest as \"fake\" chunks to save old toasters like mine.

    I\'d like that

    • Plasma thrusters(Less thrust, but lower power consumption per block.)
    • Removal of server/single player select and replacement with MC style main menu.

    This /is/ early alpha. I\'m sure schema has this planned.

    • Ability to change settings on thrusters like weapons

    Expand on this a little bit.

    • EDIT: Almost forgot, Color selections for hulls, to reduce hull texture count and let people run wild with colors.

    Jun 4, 2013
    Reaction score
    On the reactors, true, I do think also that I went a bit too high there, perhaps lower those values by 5/6 their current value?

    The spawn shop thing was becasue I\'m tired of running out of hulls and flying a 1/5 finished ship.

    The L5 mineral change was to give new-comers a easier time.

    Expand on this a little bit.

    Well, currently I find thrusters a bit like a table top thing (Think TES IV: Oblivion\'s custom spells), if they were more variable it might be better.

    An example, put 75% of their dist. points into power consumption reduction, but that only leaves 25% for thrust, thus giving low T/W r, but barely doing anything to power stores.

    Or put 99% on raw thrust, leaving 1% towards power conservation, sure, you could hit 10k km/h very fast, but you would drain 100 billlion power is 3 seconds.