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    1. B

      Atmosphere bug? Or some incorrect setting?

      Before reporting this as a bug, just wanted to make sure it was one. Currently a totally "default settings" game I am noticing planets have zero atmosphere, just space when you look up. Now I recall planets at least "used" to have skies on them, were these removed or is this a serious bug in a...
    2. B

      Broken Blueprints

      Had this one occur on me after a long 5 hour build, the blueprint for my ship won't spawn the ship, it does however subtract the cost, and makes a engine sound spawn permanently nearby, no ship ever materializes. Seems a recent patch has broken many newly saved ships permanently. Doesn't happen...
    3. B

      Wall of suggested changes/modifications.

      Over the past five days or so, me and a friend have been making ships and talking about what changes to the game would make it more enjoyable for us, Some of these are mine, some his, some both of us. My friend has already stopped playing while I continue with making ship designs for when the...
    4. B

      Nightmare faction. An entirely new faction of ships.

      Size Comparison Chart This post will be updated at least once a day if not more, check back later for more as the ships are built. All information and designs are subject to change as I refine this faction. So I decided to go with "Nightmares" as a faction name, gives it a mysterious...