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    1. J_MASTER

      Modular Auto-Assembly Ships?

      Was thinking about how a nearly completely modular ship could be made. Visual example: Many cube modules of varying specializations such as armor, shields, or weapons, could be programmed to move into a certain configuration chosen by a user that draws a schematic of what goes where. These...
    2. J_MASTER

      I'd like to request a damage flowchart.

      I haven't played in awhile, I've started to play a little this past week and I've been spending hours scouring the wiki, watching tutorials, and building test ships and targets, and it's all starting to mix together. I now realize that while I'm trying to armor my ship, each armor block now...
    3. J_MASTER

      Python Interpreter!

      I'm an aspiring game designer and as you know, that requires programming. Occasionally it's difficult to motivate yourself to work on some new idea, or to keep the gears turning when trying to learn things completely alien to you in a new language or whatnot. Minecraft has a mod called...
    4. J_MASTER

      Ship Repair Additions

      It's a bit of a hassle to repair big ships that have taken damage. It would be nice to have a default hangar to go to (or just the shop) to repair a certain % of the ships damages from how it's state is in the catalog that it's saved in. (which means you would have to save the ship in order for...