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    1. D

      Turret Alignment Bug what im experiencing here is that my docked turret (its ghosting into the ship as well which is bad for when it undocks) is ignoring the north and south angles of my docking module and...
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      Auto piloting and scout probes

      i like your idea of how you can have autopilot doing the flying for you so you don\'t have to sit in your pilot seat holding the w key the whole entire trip (i flew 200km maybe even more and it was so very boring that i shouldive just quit the game and go play something else than to just waste...
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      Hull Armor Absorption

      this is brilliant. core drilling has been the most main based tactic to destroy a ship throughout. even the AI rely on this kind of tactic, it lacks such variety to destroy a ship which is becoming rather dull. if this was actually added to the game Armor would become much more reliable than...
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      Plasma gates for hangar

      which is called an energy shield gate instead of a plasma one but instead of acting like a shield it instead acts like a pass-through doorway that only allows people from the same faction to enter same going with ships in the same faction. but on the other hand, going through the comment section...
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      Construction drones

      to have drones construct a ship without the need of a ship factory. but at a penalty to take much longer than what a ship factory can do and possibly limit some options as well
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      Mass Effect Sovereign class Reaper in progress. Requesting volunteers

      Hordemx will now be handling the S.Reaper Project to finish it and publish it for public use
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      Mass Effect Sovereign class Reaper in progress. Requesting volunteers

      not sure what you mean by 1:1 but it will be combat ready to the point that it will be a force to be reckoned with but again i can\'t make that happen unless i get workers to help build or untill for a very very long time. this reaper is a massive ship, 1000m long and im just one guy building it
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      Mass Effect Sovereign class Reaper in progress. Requesting volunteers a Sovereign class Reaper in current construction but very VERY slowly since i am the only one building this space monster. so i need volunteers to help build this Reaper so...
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      Sort Factions by number of members and factions in relation

      i agree with this suggestion. we need options to sort factions just like in the catalog so no more we have to deal with such a mess of random factions that we have to go through in order to find that one faction you need to do something with
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      im already building a Sovereign reaper. all that there is left is the coloring heres a pic
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      Challenging creativity!

      working on it. i already got the base shape, all it needs now is just color
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      Turrets undocking themselves AGAIN

      and close but no cigar. the turrets still undock themselves
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      Turrets undocking themselves AGAIN

      all of my turrets are in the same faction as my ship. so upon reload when my faction turrets are on my faction ship. they still undock themselves all at once
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      Turrets undocking themselves AGAIN

      the turrets still undock themselves when the game is reloaded after i had docked all my turrets back. my ship holds over around 60 turrets (which is a literal bulletstorm when they start firing. its insane) the turrets and the ship are both in the same faction. its strange that it undocks all of...
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      Several bugs plaguing the game currently

      it happens when im near my capital ship (its gigantic) with the 67 turrets i have on there
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      Docking bugs

      i\'ve had a bug like this too. turrets undocking THEMSELVES when i set their faction. gets on my nerves
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      im tired of it

      setting faction blocks for every 67 GOD DAMNED TURRETS on a SINGLE SHIP. Schema really needs to make some kind of feature that when you are in your ship you can set its faction. cause im fucking tired of managing 67 turrets seperately. its very annoying
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      Teleporting outside of ship when inside ships gravity

      this bug only happens when i am in its own gravity field. so, in the pictures you can see that i get from point A to point B which is A = the inside of my ship B = the outside of my ship even its gravity well. and how does this happen? i simply use a gravity module on my ship to be anchored to...
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      missles not fired from the right source

      as you can see. the missles are not firing from the actual missle blocks they are susposed to be fired from. in the red squares you can see the missle being fired from the core. completely ignoreing the SD-BB missle arrays that they are susposed to be fired from. the bug is fixed partially at...
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      Missles are not fired in the right direction

      heres whats happening. when i have my cannons placed on my ship they're not firing in the right direction of where they are susposed to be going. they're not even locking on to any ships at all heres a picture of whats happening as you can see in picture 1. the missle does not go in the...