Turrets undocking themselves AGAIN

    Apr 23, 2013
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    the turrets still undock themselves when the game is reloaded after i had docked all my turrets back. my ship holds over around 60 turrets (which is a literal bulletstorm when they start firing. its insane) the turrets and the ship are both in the same faction. its strange that it undocks all of my turrets except one though

    im sorry i do not have any pictures to confirm this because i do not want to go through re-docking all my turrets and getting the bug to undock them again. it lags my FPS so horribly that i do not wish to go through it again
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i found i had this on one speacial ocasion, its when ever my main ship is alocated to a faction, but the turets whit-out a faction module are still neutrall, so it auto-ejects them becuse of difrent faction. you can solve it by placing a faction module on every turet and alocating them(i did some reseache before i build a golaith sized ship whith 30+ turets)

    the only other thing is that the turets are actualy to big and it just relized that on reload of the ship/chunk though i think this is unlikely
    Apr 23, 2013
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    all of my turrets are in the same faction as my ship. so upon reload when my faction turrets are on my faction ship. they still undock themselves all at once
    Jun 20, 2013
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    when you exit the turret\'s ship core, is the docking beam still on the hot bar? if so, they will go to fire their weapons, and instead fire the docking beam, undocking them from your ship. the way to fix this is to enter every turret, and deselect the docking beam from the hot bar. to do this, press T, and either put a new weapon in its place (by clicking that weapon and hitting the same number as the docking beam), or deselect it by clicking the docking beam and hitting the same number as the one its in.

    it could also be a problem with the faction modules, but i havent played around with those enough to know.
    Dec 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I also have been having this problem. I noticed that once my turrets undocked themselves, the docking area shrunk back to it\'s original size (with out the enhancer blocks), and wouldnt allow the turrets to dock. I tried the faction thing, and and redocking all of my turrets.. nope.