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    1. Ghoschief

      keep it 300 like the romans

      keep it 300 like the romans
    2. Ghoschief


      Trust me, this isn\'t a relevant thing to worry about at all. Mojang isn\'t going to attempt to sue this game for having mobs because its \"too similar\". They don\'t own a copyright on \"Mobs/Animals in videogames\". Because that\'s not a real thing.
    3. Ghoschief

      Schema please read this

      People really need to stop making topics called \"Schema read this plz\" and \"DEVS READ THIS!!!!\" It\'s not making them read it any more than any other topic. It\'s better to make the topic title something that is relevant to that actual information/suggestion inside, so that people know what...
    4. Ghoschief

      Skins/Textures Subsection

      Basically just a subforum for skins and texture works. Not sure why this isn't a section already.
    5. Ghoschief

      Phasers, tricorders, and custom character models.

      a disaster. I don\'t want to see 50 space penises when I\'m playing, sorry. Not to mention that you would have to download each custom model, like with skins. Just a terrible idea. Skins can differentiate between people just fine. You DO have a nametag above your head as well.
    6. Ghoschief

      How to take and post a screenshot to the forums (Mac, PC and Laptop)

      I like how you imply that laptops run exclusively on an OS that isn\'t windows or mac.
    7. Ghoschief

      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Cool, thank you.
    8. Ghoschief

      [Evo] Evolution I Professional Bounty Hunters

      Age: 19 Name + IGN: Depress Why you wish to join: I\'m tired of griffy pubs, want to build with a faction that doesn\'t take everything apart after an hour. Past game experience: Long time playing on pubs. Starmade experience (building, pvp, mining, time played, etc.): Not sure exactly how...
    9. Ghoschief

      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Depress Age: 19 Personality: Quiet, calm Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!)...