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    1. rariisan

      Logic System - Spawn building with a "lifes left" counter

      So I'm planning to do some events where each team has got a number of lifes. For that I needed a spawn with a counter that would block access to an area once the maximum is reached. This is Work In Progress (because this design is still too ineffective and it has a bug which I will explain...
    2. rariisan

      Logic System - Lockable door from the inside through buttons

      So I've designed a door lock. Basically it's a door with a green light that indicates if it's openable/closeable and a button next to it. When the green light is lit (Pic 1), the door will open when you press the button (planning on making that button the only "public" object in the ship). But...
    3. rariisan

      Starmade 40k Community (Adventure mode starts today)

      UPDATE: Sm40k is going adventure mode today! What is Starmade 40k? Starmade 40k is basically a server & forum aiming to concentrate all the 40k experience into the same community. It brings players together with our forums and our dedicated survival server. If you want to take a look at our...
    4. rariisan

      Starmade 40k [Survival - RP - Dedicated]

      It's the year 40k and your race has sent you to claim uncharted territory. Are you gonna fight for glory or pursue your own selfish interests? What is Starmade 40k? Starmade 40k is the only Starmade universe inspired in incredibly deep lore of Warhammer 40k. It puts everything in the same...
    5. rariisan

      Warhammer 40k Union (With server)

      Welcome to Starmade 40k. We are a starmade community that focuses on the 40k universe (WH40k, BFG, etc). Here you can find all the 40k creations users have made throughout the years or join the SM server. For those of you not familiar with Warhammer 40k, here you can get to...
    6. rariisan

      Why did I get banned from the chat?

      10 minutes ago (1:13 (GMT+1)) I got banned from the chat after telling a user who literally told me "shut the fuck up" to show more respect. At any point I never stopped respecting the rules of the chatroom, even though I had 4 people shout at me because I consider star made to be in the same...
    7. rariisan

      Starmade Community Tournament

      The idea is that someone from the team should organize a tournament with the starmade community. It would obviously have a energy/shield regeneration limit (and other if necessary) and consists, for example, of signing in with a crew of three people per ship and have duels or objectives...
    8. rariisan

      Resumed Larry's Suggestions (Updated: 08/02/2014)

      I will explain it as fast as possible, feel free to ask for explanations. I also suppose some ideas were already suggested, already exist or schema said he won't do it, sorry for that. I'd be glad if you told me which one it is so I can remove it. INDEX Implement Radio...