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    1. Zerefette

      Read by Schine Rail rotator free axis

      A new rail block that can't rotate docked entities with logic or alone but only if pushed by physical stuff, imagine clock wheels. Logic may only be used to set max possible speed or block it completely.
    2. Zerefette

      Missile+Beam range

      On missile master and beam slave does the range and/or speed depend on the amount of beam blocks? Just a simple question.
    3. Zerefette

      Homeworld 2 mothership blueprint, is there one around?

      I can't seem to find one, does someone have made one? I'd like to have it with a functional detatchable door hangar or even just the hull. P.S: I forgot to specify that the ship in question is a Hiigaran mothership(Pride of Hiigara).
    4. Zerefette

      Compact generator help + some of my stuff in background as bonus

      Hello, so I made a comppact generator to fit in my prototype capital ship(it doesn't actually fit but that's another story), and I need help for making the power transfer component, how much supply modules and cannon does it require to fire continuosly as a 1kk power source? And what about the...
    5. Zerefette

      Blueprint modification

      Is there a way to modify a blueprint without being in game? For example removing all the blocks of one kind from a blueprint at once by canceling the id stuff or replacing it, I think it could be possible but I can't find the right data in the blueprint file, can someone explain me how to do this?